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Introduction 1
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
All Rights Reserved
Special thanks goes to:
Ron Sudweeks
Who spent much time going over this tutorial. And then
spending more time with me, helping me to correct the many
errors he had found. Ron also deserves credit for many
suggesting that lead to many improvements to the program
Roger Nedel
Who had all the qualities needed to test this tutorial. He
was totally new to MegaD and he had an Amiga Computer.
Little did I know how great the bargain was that I had
gotten. A few days later I received a 27 page document that
included many needed corrections, suggestions and additions.
Along with this information he included journal entries that
helped me to see where the tutorial had failed in teaching
the functions of MegaD to a new user.
I claim all responsibility for any errors left within this
document. The above mentioned people deserve credit for the
many refinements they made upon this document.
John L. Jones
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Introduction 2
Table Of Contents
Getting Started..............................6
Simple Commands And MegaD....................26
Source and Destination Commands..............51
Program Control Window.......................75
Back To Adding Auto Boots....................82
User Gadgets.................................90
ARexx Gadgets................................95
Menu Sets....................................98
Gadget Sets..................................103
Export File..................................113
MegaD Preferences............................116
MegaD preferences, Colors....................117
MegaD Preferences, Defaults..................118
MegaD Preferences, Display...................123
MegaD Preferences, Menus & Devices...........127
MegaD preferences, Miscellaneous.............128
MegaD Preferences, Set Print.................130
MegaD Preferences, Set Screen................131
MegaD Menus..................................132
MegaD Icon Tool Types........................139
Now What?....................................140
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Introduction 3
MegaD, is without question, a unique directory utility. It
does not play by the old rules set by the gambit of
directory utilities.
The standard directory utility allows only one source
directory and one destination directory and usually places
the two available directories in list side by side. MegaD
can emulate this type of mode if you need it but this
limited mode of left and right Directory Windows restricts
many of the unique features of MegaD. Features such as the
ability to copy files from more than one source directory,
The ability to copy source files to multiple destinations.
The ability to copy from multiple source to multiple
destinations. The same flexibility is given to all the
commands within MegaD, commands such as Copy As, Duplicate,
Move, Move as, Rename, Delete, Comments, Set Protect....
This idea of not being restricted to just one or two windows
is used throughout MegaD. You are allowed multiple text
windows open at one time. The only thing that will limit
you with MegaD is your available system memory.
Due to the uniqueness of MegaD it was decided that to give
you, the user, a better understanding of it features, a
tutorial would be beneficial. Thus this text was written.
You may want to jump right into MegaD after looking over the
MegaD.Doc file, or you may want to take the step by step
approach that this file offers.
I will show how to use the built in functions of MegaD, how
to add new function to MegaD, and how to teach and train
MegaD to do new tricks, MegaD can be trained to use any
external program. I will be starting from the very basic
commands that require only one file to be selected. I will
move on from there to show you how functions such as copy
and move work that requires both a source and a destination
directory. With copy and move we will also show you how to
copy from one or more source directories to a multiple of
destination directories. You will be shown how to filter
the information in the Directory Window so that you will be
able to reduce large directory listings to a manageable size
by using different file attributes. We will then move on to
showing you how to train MegaD to launch your favorite
During this tutorial I am going to assume that you are using
MegaD in the same state that it was in the first time you
ran it. In other words it will be using its own built in
defaults. There are so many ways that MegaD can be
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Introduction 4
configured, that it would be confusing to describe it all
within this text.
I learned how to use MegaD as I wrote it. In its current
state I have found it to be so versatile that there is
little that it will not do. I hope that with a little
ground work, you will be able to maneuver and perform any
function that you wish. I will only attempt to give you the
very basics. With this and a little imagination you should
be able do more with it each time you run MegaD. MegaD is
one of those programs that is made for the user to mold to
his likes.
This is brief outline of how this tutorial is laid out.
MegaD Windows
This section is about the different windows used
within MegaD. This section is not really a
tutorial but a necessary discussion of how the
windows used within MegaD work and the main
functions of those windows.
Simple Commands And MegaD
We will start with the simple commands that
require one open Directory Window to perform a
Source and Destination Commands
We will move on to commands that require more than
one Directory Window opens to the screen at one
time. Commands such as 'Copy' and 'Move' require
source and destination directories.
Filters and Pattern Matching
This section describes the unique and powerful
'Filters', 'Sel/Clr Pattern' (Select/Clear
Patterns) and 'Find' functions of MegaD. All
three use a powerful requestor that allows you to
use 1 to 5 filters at one time.
This is the where you take MegaD to school and
teach it new tricks. You will be able to train
MegaD to recognize any data file and match it to a
program file that can handle the data file.
Program Control Window
This is a detour that we will have to take to
understand how to create an 'AutoBoot'. We will
also use what we learn in this section with 'User
Gadgets' and 'Menu Sets'.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Introduction 5
Back To Adding AutoBoots
After the above described detour we will finish
off the discussion of AutoBoots.
User Gadgets
We will learn how to add new commands to the
existing commands found on the 'Keypad Command
Gadgets' of the 'Control Window'.
Menu Sets
Here, we will add a new 'Menu Set' that we will be
able to access within the MegaD 'Utility' menu.
Export File
MegaD will create files suitable to create a
database of programs and files. This export file
works with other existing database programs.
MegaD Preferences
MegaD has many user definable preferences'
settings. The Preferences are broken into the
following groups:
Menus & Devices
We will discuss each of the preference areas in
MegaD Menus
MegaD allows extensive control over the Directory
Windows it uses and the displays within them.
Much of the control is access through the menus
found within MegaD.
You will find the step by step approach of this
file helpful in your quest to learn MegaD. MegaD,
without question, is the most versatile, capable
and flexible directory utility to date. This
tutorial will help you to understand and harness
the power of MegaD.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 6
Getting Started
MegaD can be started from the CLI (Command Line
Interface) or from the Workbench. To run MegaD
from the CLI, CD to the directory that the program
file MegaD is in and type
"Run MegaD"
To start MegaD from the Workbench double click the
MegaD icon. You should be greeted with this
window containing about 30 different gadgets and
one scrolling list at the top.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 7
|MegaD 2.0 Control Window |
| Free Volumes |() Volumes In Memory | |
|------------------------------------------------------------| |
| First Buffered Volume DF0: 648,324 | |--1
| Second Buffered Volume DF1: 232,987 |/\|
| Third Buffered Volume WORK: 22,343,548 |\/|
|**| Device Gadget 1 | Device Gadget 4 | Device Gadget 7 |
|__| Device Gadget 2 | Device Gadget 5 | Device Gadget 8 |
|\/| Device Gadget 3 | Device Gadget 6 | Device Gadget 9 |
| | Device Name: | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------|
|**| Files Selected Chip |
|**| Dir. Selected Fast |
| | Bytes Selected Large |--3
|**| Free Disk space Total |
|**| Active Directory |
| Keypad '(' | Keypad ')' | Keypad '/' | Keypad '*' | |
|--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------| C |
| Keypad '7' | Keypad '8' | Keypad '9' | Keypad '-' | - |
|--------------+--------------+--------------|--------------| |
| Keypad '4' | Keypad '5' | Keypad '6' | Keypad '+' | S |--4
|--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------| - |
| Keypad '1' | Keypad '2' | Keypad '3' | | |
|-----------------------------+--------------| ENTER | A |
| Keypad '0' | Keypad '.' | | |
Main Control Window
Above is an character representation of what the
Main Control Window looks like. The titles of the
gadgets have been changed to generic names. The
actual window that should be up on your system
will contain device names and command titles in
the gadgets. The Control Window is your link to
all the functions that MegaD possesses. Lets
break the parts of the window down into its four
basic components. The number to the right of the
representation corresponds with the below list.
1. Volumes in memory, and
Device, Assign and Drives list
2. Device Gadgets
3. Information area
4. Command Gadget
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 8
| Free Volumes |() Volumes In Memory | |
|------------------------------------------------------------| |
| First Buffered Volume DF0: 648,324 | |--1
| Second Buffered Volume DF1: 232,987 |/\|
| Third Buffered Volume WORK: 22,343,548 |\/|
MegaD List Area
Above is a cutout of section 1. The Volumes in
memory, and Device, Assign and Drives list. Two
kinds of list are available in this area. The
lists can be cycled in and out of the list area
with the cycle gadget at the top of the window.
'Volumes In Memory'
'Volumes In Memory' list. This is a list of
buffered directories that have been loaded, if
any. It may be an empty list at the moment. This
is what the cutout represent now
Device List
'Devices, Assigns and Drives' list. This list is
never empty. It shows available volumes and
system assigns such as 'Fonts:'
The way to chose which list to use is controlled
by the cycle gadgets at the top center to right
side of the window. It has a small arrow going in
a circle at the left side of the gadget. By
selecting this gadget the list will change to the
one not being displayed.
Free Volumes Gadget
On the left side of that gadget is one that is
titled 'Free Volumes'. MegaD buffers all the
directories that have been loaded. This makes for
quick access to those directories. It is also
memory consuming. By selecting this gadget once,
you can free up memory used by buffered
The 'Free Volumes' gadget will be ghosted if there
are no buffered volumes in memory. Once any
volume or directory is loaded the gadget will be
activated allowing you to select it.
When a directory is buffered, the contents of the
directory are in the computer's main memory. If
you close that volume and then access it later,
MegaD doesn't have to access the disk because the
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 9
contents are still in the computer's memory (in
the buffer). This not only saves in access time,
but saves wear on the disk. By selecting the
"Free Volumes" gadget, you remove the contents of
that volume(s) from the computer's memory, and any
future attempts to access that volume will result
in having to read from disk.
To the far right of the upper area of the window
is a proportional gadget and two step gadgets for
scrolling the list in this window. They work to
move the list up or down if the list can be
scrolled. If the list can be scrolled the
proportional gadget will show where in the list
you are at that moment and it will let you move to
a new position by selecting and moving the
scroller up and down. The arrow gadgets will
scroll the list by single steps and will repeat
the steps as long as the gadget is selected.
Buffered Volume List
The items in the list at the top of the Control
Window display information about where the volume
was loaded from. If the volume was loaded from
the drive DF0: it will display DF0: in the center
of the line. To the right of the line the free
disk space for that volume is shown.
The items in the lists can be selected for special
tasks. Double clicking the item will load the
directory and place it in a window. Single
selecting the item will select it or unselect the
item for a task. Some of the special tasks are.
Loading selected items from the Device List
Loading a group of volumes by selecting them and
then using the menu command 'Windows, Open
Windows, Selected Directories' or closing them
with the 'Windows, Close Windows, Selected
Directories'. This is the only function that is
available that works with items selected in the
Device list. This is not the only way to open a
volume. You will see later that there are
shortcuts to this method.
(The below functions only works on the Volumes in
Memory list.)
Freeing Buffered Volumes
Freeing a specified volume from the buffered
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 10
directories. By selecting items in the 'volumes
In Memory' list and then selecting 'Free Volumes'
just that volume will be removed from the buffer
freeing the memory used by it. If you should
select the 'Free Volumes' gadget without any items
selected in this list, all buffered volumes will
be freed.
Select Volumes for making a listing
MegaD allows you to print the contents of a volume
(all the directories and files in that volume,
including all subdirectories). Not only can you
send the volume's contents to the printer, but
MegaD allows you to save the contents to a disk
file, should you desire. You can send the
volumes' contents to the printer by selecting the
desired volume in the volume window (directly
below the 'Free Volumes' gadget) and then
selecting the 'Output Prt' Command Gadget. You
can send the volumes' contents to a disk file by
opening a Directory Window to the directory you
wish the file to be written, and selecting the
'Output File' Command Gadget.
Selecting a volume to relabel the volume with the
Relabel keypad command.
The above mentioned commands will be discussed in
detail later on in the tutorial.
|**| Device Gadget 1 | Device Gadget 4 | Device Gadget 7 |
|__| Device Gadget 2 | Device Gadget 5 | Device Gadget 8 |
|\/| Device Gadget 3 | Device Gadget 6 | Device Gadget 9 |
| | Device Name: | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------|
Device Gadgets
The second area in the Control Window contains
nine booleen gadgets and one string gadget. All
ten gadgets serve the same purpose, to load a
volume or directory. They can be switch to do
another task but we will get in to that later.
At first run the device gadgets are set to the
first nine volumes and assigns found in the
'Device, Assigns and Drives' list. This may not
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 11
be the way you want them and if so it can be
changed by using the menu option 'Project, Set
Preferences.' The lower nine string gadgets in
the window that opens from that option are used to
set the device gadgets.
Once back to the Control Window select any of the
nine gadgets to load a volume or directory. After
doing so, and if no errors were encountered, a
window should open with the list of items found in
that directory.
(NEW 3.1)
Device Scroll Gadget
To the left of the Device Gadgets you will see a
second scroll gadget, MegaD is capable of 45
separately defined device gadgets. It is
impossible to display all with only 9 visible
gadgets. By moving this scroll gadget you will
be able to access the other 36 hidden device
Device String Gadget
Directly below the 9 device gadgets is a string
gadget (labelled 'Device Name:'). This gadget is
used to type any valid directory name that you
want to load. Typing a name and pressing return
is the equivalent of hitting one of the upper nine
device gadgets.
Any string gadget, in any MegaD window, can be
activated by pressing the space bar once. The
window must be the active window for this to work.
This feature includes the Main Control Window
Device String Gadget.
Device Gadgets keyboard Equivalent
The upper numeric keys on the keyboard 1 - 9 (not
the keypad) will do the equivalent of the hitting
one of the nine device gadgets. The keys equate
to the number found in the above cutout of the
(NEW 3.1) When you change the device gadgets by moving the
scroll gadget to the left of them, the keyboard
equivalents will act on the newly displayed
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 12
| |------------------------------------------------------------|
|**| Files Selected Chip |
|**| Dir. Selected Fast |
| | Bytes Selected Large |--3
|**| Free Disk space Total |
|**| Active Directory |
Information Area
The third area of the main window is for
information. On the left side it shows how many
files and directories are selected and it shows
how many bytes are selected. This can be used to
judge if the destination disk has enough room to
write the files and directories to it. If
unbuffered directories are selected, the sizes of
those directories are unknown and can not be
calculated. If you want to be sure of the actual
byte count of a directory, use the 'Go Deep'
command on those directories firsts. The 'Go
Deep' Command Gadget is found in the second bank
of Keypad Command Gadgets. This will buffer the
directories and MegaD will be able to tell you
just how much space will be needed for the copy or
This area has a gadget hidden beneath the
information, the gadget is quite easy to hit and
you may want to try it now to see how it works.
Place the mouse pointer directly over the MegaD
main menu information window (directly below the
string gadget labelled 'Device Name') and single-
click. Notice that when you clicked, the
information changed from 'all items selected' to
'source items selected By selecting that gadget
the information will toggle from all items
selected to source items selected. If deleting
files, and you wish to know exactly how many files
and directory will be deleted, you should use the
Selected information mode. If copying or moving
files, and you wish to know exactly how many files
and directory will be copied or moved, you should
use the Source information mode.
Available Memory
On the right side it shows the system memory four
different ways. Available chip and fast memory.
The largest chunk of memory still available and
then a total of the free Chip and Fast memory.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 13
Active Directory
At the bottom of the information window you will
see the text: 'Free Disk Space' and 'Active
Directory'. These two items will display the
amount of disk space that is free on the currently
active directory. If no directory is currently
active, then both items are blank. Additionally,
the directory specified by this 'Active Directory'
item is known as the 'destination' directory.
What do I mean by that? Well, any command that
requires a destination will act on that directory.
For instance, if you want to move a file
somewhere, it will be moved from some (origin)
directory into that (destination) directory. MegaD
can use more than one destination directory at a
time; however, it can display only one of the
destination directories in this area. We will
talk more about the multiple destinations later.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 14
| Keypad '(' | Keypad ')' | Keypad '/' | Keypad '*' | |
|--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------| C |
| Keypad '7' | Keypad '8' | Keypad '9' | Keypad '-' | - |
|--------------+--------------+--------------|--------------| |
| Keypad '4' | Keypad '5' | Keypad '6' | Keypad '+' | S |--4
|--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------| - |
| Keypad '1' | Keypad '2' | Keypad '3' | | |
|-----------------------------+--------------| ENTER | A |
| Keypad '0' | Keypad '.' | | |
Keypad Gadgets
The fourth and bottom area of the Control Window
are where you access the commands that MegaD can
perform on windows, directories and files. This
area has four sets or banks of gadgets that can be
access though the use of the three 'Shift Gadgets'
mounted to the right of the gadgets. The 'Shift
Gadgets' coincide with the Ctrl, Shift and Alt
keys on your keyboard.
C = Ctrl (Control)
S = Shift
A = Alt (Alternate)
Quick Command Access
The main group of gadgets is arranged in the same
order as the keypad on the side of most Amiga
keyboards. Each keypad gadget can be accessed
from the keyboard by pressing the equivalent key.
You will soon find that you can reach any command
quickly and easily with the keyboard.
Keypad Banks
There are four banks of keypad gadgets. The banks
are access by use of ether the 'Shift Gadgets' at
the side of the Keypad gadgets or by pressing the
corresponding shift key, as listed above. Through
the tutorial I will be referring to the sets of
keypad gadgets by banks.
First bank: is access when there are no shift keys
pressed on the keyboard and none of the
'Shift Gadgets' are pressed.
Second bank: is access when the Ctrl keyboard key
is press or the 'C' 'Shift gadget' is
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 15
Third bank: is access when the Shift keyboard key
is press or the 'S' 'Shift gadget' is
Fourth bank: is access when the Alt keyboard key
is press or the 'A' 'Shift gadget' is
As an example the 'Copy' command is located (at
startup default) on the first bank of gadgets in
the upper left hand corner. This gadget can be
activated by pressing the upper left hand keypad
key that is the '(' key on the keypad. To access
the 'Copy As' command press the Ctrl key and while
holding it down press the upper left hand key of
the keypad. This is the same as using the mouse
to select the 'C' 'Shift gadget' and then
selecting the upper left hand corner gadget
(which should be labelled 'Copy as' at default).
NOTE: Should you have a MegaD text window active,
the keypad is used solely for the text window, and
the Keypad Command Gadget functions will not be
| Ctrl Command | Shift Command| Alt Command | Keypad '*' | |
|--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------| C |
| Keypad '7' | Keypad '8' | Keypad '9' | Keypad '-' | - |
|--------------+--------------+--------------|--------------| |
Shift Click Window Command
Above is the upper section of the Keypad Command
Gadgets. Notice that I have change the names of
the first three Gadgets to, 'Ctrl Command', 'Shift
Command' and 'Alt Command'. MegaD assigns the
above three commands to the respective shift keys
during a process that I call 'Shift Click Window
By using the 'Shift Click Window Commands', you
can gain rapid access to three of your favorite
commands. At default, MegaD sets the first three
Keypad Commands Gadgets to, 'Copy', 'Move' and
'Delete'. This, in turn, sets the 'Shift Click
Window Commands' to:
Ctrl-Select Directory Window = 'Copy'
Shift-Select Directory Window = 'Move'
Alt-Select Directory Window = 'Delete'
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 16
How Shift Click Works
Let use 'Copy' for and example here. You would
need at least two Directory Windows opened to the
screen. You select a few items in one of the
windows that you would like to copy. You would
then hold down the Ctrl key while you select the
scroll area (text listing area) of the Directory
Window that you wish to copy the files to, this
becomes the 'Shift Clicked Window'. The selected
Directory Window becomes a user defined
destination directory and the 'Copy' command is
You can attach any commands you want, to the first
three Keypad Command Gadgets of the first bank.
The steps taken internally during the 'Shift Click
Window Command' process are:
1.Select 'Dest'ination gadget of the Directory
window that was 'Shift Selected'.
2.Call corresponding Keypad Command Gadget for the
shift key pressed and performs that
3.Unselect the 'Dest'ination gadget if it was not
selected at the first of the call,
restoring the Directory Window to its
original state.
All of this is a bit much for right now. We have
yet to talk about any of the commands, and how to
use them. If all of this seems very vague to you,
don't let it worry you. Just remember to come
back and reread this section once you're done. I
want to make sure that everyone using MegaD knows
of this feature. Other wise it like driving a
great car without knowing it has a fifth gear and
never getting it to top speed.
| Third Buffered Volume WORK: 22,343,548 |\/|
|**| Device Gadget 1 | Device Gadget 4 | Device Gadget 7 |
| | Device Gadget 2 | Device Gadget 5 | Device Gadget 8 |
| |-------------------+---------------------+------------------|
| | Device Gadget 3 | Device Gadget 6 | Device Gadget 9 |
| |-------------------+----------------------------------------|
| | Device Name: | |
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 17
| |------------------------------------------------------------|
|**| Files Selected Chip |
|**| Dir. Selected Fast |
| | Bytes Selected Large |
|**| Free Disk space Total |
|**| Active Directory |
Icon Gadgets
Among these gadgets are three that are unique in
design and nature. They reside on the left side
of the window. The character representation of
the gadgets is
You can identify them in the actual Control Window
by a small horizontal line going across, inside
the border of the gadget. By careful examination
of the gadgets you will notice that the horizontal
line is at different position inside the border.
For lack of a better name I call these gadgets,
Area Icons. They each represent one of the three
lower areas of the Control Window. As the icon
gadgets are hit, they will remove or replace areas
of the main window. The icon gadget themselves
will stay in the window.
Device Icon Gadget:
The gadget with the line closest to the top is
directly attached to the set of 9 device gadgets
in the upper mid section of the control window.
Selecting this 'device icon gadget' will remove
these 9 device gadgets from the main menu, thereby
allocating more space to view the rest of the
Byte Info Icon Gadget:
The gadget that has the line across the center of
it is directly attached to the text section of the
window that displays selected information and
system memory. Selecting this 'byte info icon
gadget' will remove the area containing system
memory from the main menu, thereby allocating more
space to view the rest of the menu.
Keypad Icon Gadget:
And finally, the small gadget with the line
closest to the bottom is directly attached to the
command gadgets that are arranged in the same
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 18
manner as the numeric keypad (this keypad is not
present on the 600 and 1000 Amiga models).
Selecting this 'keypad icon gadget' will remove
the area containing the numeric keypad gadgets
from the main menu, thereby allocating more space
to view the rest of the menu.
NOTE: You can remove more than one of these areas
from the main menu. For instance, click on the
upper area icon gadget and notice that the 9
device gadgets are removed from the main menu.
Now click on the lower area gadget and notice that
the 'Numeric Keypad' gadgets are gone from the
menu. All that you are viewing at this time are
the 'Volumes Information' area (the very upper
portion of the normal main menu) and the 'System
Memory Information' area. You could now click on
the center area icon gadget and remove the 'System
Memory Information' area. At this point, the
entire main menu would be displaying the "Volume
Information" area.
I suggest that you play with those gadgets for a
while just so that you can see how they work.
Select one of the icon gadgets once and an area
will be removed from the window, making the scroll
area larger. The icon gadget will be repositioned
in the window so that it will fit in the new
configuration. The color of the horizontal line in
the gadget will change to signify that the area
has been removed. Find the gadget again and
selected it once more. That area will be replace
in the Control Window. Once you're done playing
with them be sure to set the window back up so
that all four areas of the window are visible and
Active Window To Front
Whenever you open a directory or text window,
MegaD will automatically bring that new window to
the front of all other windows. Furthermore, if a
currently open, directory or text window is
selected (made active by clicking on it), it will
automatically be moved to the front of all other
Moving the Control Window to the front
This 'auto-front' feature does not apply to the
MegaD control (main menu) window. There are;
however, three function keys that will allow you
to move the control window to the front or rear of
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 19
the screen. The three keys are F8, F9 and F10.
One more catch though -- each key can serve more
than one purpose. I'll try to explain:
Remember from the beginning of the manual about
the very top of the control panel. There is a
gadget that toggles between "Volumes In Memory"
and "Devices, Assigns and Drives". The second
feature of each of these keys deals with this
portion of the control panel.
F8: (1) Will toggle to 'Devices, Assigns and
Drives', and (2) Will toggle the control
window between the front and back of the
F9: (1) Will toggle to 'Volumes In Memory', and
(2) Will toggle the control window between the
front and back of the screen.
F10: The sole purpose of this key is to toggle the
control window between the front and
back of the screen.
NOTE: If the you have set MegaD F10 default to
'F10 Closes Main Control Window', the
control window will be closed and
reopened with this key.
What Is MegaD
MegaD's main function on the Amiga is to do
something with a directory list or item in the
directory list. We will need some medium to work
with that we both have.
I am going to use a copy of the Workbench disk
that came with our operating system to demonstrate
some of the simple functions of MegaD. So that we
can have a common reference, you will be making a
copy of your Workbench disk.
Create a Tutorial Disk
You should make a copy of the copy of your
Workbench disk. (You should only use your
original disks once, and that was to make the copy
that you will use when you run a program, any
program.) This disk contains many files that we
can do things with. I will be using the
directories and files as examples of how the
commands in MegaD work.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 20
Loading the copy of your Workbench disk
Place the copy of your Workbench disk into your
DF0: disk drive. Use the toggle gadget in the
upper portion of the MegaD control window to
ensure "Devices, Assigns and Drives" (rather than
"Volumes In Memory") is selected. Now use the
scroll gadget at the upper right of the control
window, and scroll until 'DF0:' is visible in the
"Devices, Assigns and Drives Window" (immediately
below the "Free Volumes" gadget). Double-click on
'DF0:' in this window. A new window should open
on your screen displaying all the directories and
files on the disk you inserted in 'DF0:'. (NOTE:
an alternative, and sometimes easier way, to
accomplish the above is to simply enter 'DF0:' in
the string gadget (in the center of the control
window labelled 'Device Name') and hit the
<return> key).
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 21
Directory Windows
This is a character representation of the
directory window that came up when I loaded my
Workbench disk. Yours should look similar.
| Workbench2.0: |#|@|<- Top window drag bar, close and
|-----------------------| Zoom Gadgets
| Parent / |Dest|Lock| |<- Parent, Destination, Lock gadgets
|--------------------| |
| C | |
| Devs | |
| Expansion | |
| Fonts | |
| L | |
| Libs <---------- Scrolling list area.
| monitors | |
| Prefs | |
| Rexxc | |
| S | |
| System | |
| Trashcan | |
| Utilities | |
| WBStartup | |
| disk.info | |
| Expansion.info | |
| Monitors.info | |
| Prefs.info | |
| Shell.info | |
| System.info | <- Vertical scrolling gadget
| Trashcan.info | |
| Utilities.info | |
| WBstartup.info | |
| | |
----------------------/\|<- Up arrow
| |<|>| \/|<- Left, Right, Down arrow
------------------------ and horizontal scrolling gadget
The anatomy of a directory window
This window has two main parts. The upper gadgets
and the list area. I will discuss the upper
gadgets first.
All directory windows have a 'Parent',
'Dest'ination, and 'Lock' gadget.
Parent Gadget
The 'Parent' will move you to the parent of the
current directory. Once at the Root: (This is
where we are now) the 'Parent' will bring the Main
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 22
Control Window to the front unless it is in two
window mode.
The 'Dest'ination gadget tells MegaD which
directory(s) is the specified destination
directory. This is important because many commands
(such as copy, move, etc.) will transfer files
from the 'origin' directory to the 'destination'
The 'Dest'ination gadget has three states.
Unselected, Selected and User Selected.
Unselected and Selected looks as any other toggle
selected gadgets on an Amiga window. The User
Selected mode draws a double border around the
selected gadget. MegaD will keep the active
window as the destination unless you use the mouse
to select the 'Dest'ination gadget.
To demonstrate the 'User Selected' mode, activate
the open directory window by selecting the drag
bar at the top of the window. The 'Dest'ination
gadget of this window should now be selected.
MegaD auto- select the 'Dest'ination gadget of the
active window. Now select the 'Dest'ination
gadget with by selecting it with the mouse. The
border of the gadget will change, it will have a
recess area with the outside of the border still
looking as if it is pushing out from the window.
This is the 'User Selected' mode of the
'Dest'ination gadget. This disables the 'Auto-
Select' feature.
The User Selected gadget also forces newly loaded
directories into that window unless it is
'Lock'ed. Finally, select the 'Dest'ination
gadget again. It will become unselected and look
like the 'Parent /' and 'Lock' gadget in the
window. For certain commands, such as 'Copy' and
'Move', the window(s) with the unselected
'Dest'ination gadget becomes the source or origin
directory window(s).
Lock Gadget
The 'Lock' gadget tells MegaD that this window is
locked and that no other directories can be placed
into this window. It does not lock the internal
directory list it displays. You may perform any
function on the items in the list that you want.
If all windows are 'Lock'ed and you request a new
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 23
directory to be opened, a new window will be
opened to place it in. Think of it as a house
with all the doors locked. You come home and find
that you do not have the keys to get in. What do
you do? You open a window. MegaD takes the same
steps. Check the first door, Second, Third...
finally all the doors are locked it will open a
window to do its job. Later on, there will be a
section that describes the use of the 'Lock'
gadget, we will clarify this feature then.
Close Window Gadget
All directory windows have a standard window close
gadget except for the two window mode. This close
gadget only closes the window. It does not free
the memory used to contain the directory list.
This has the advantage that when that directory is
needed again it will not have to read the
directory again and the list will be displayed
instantly. It has the disadvantage of using
memory. You can use your Control Window Free
Volumes gadget to release that memory to the
Scrolling List Area
The scrolling area is much like any other
scrolling area of other Amiga programs windows.
The proportional gadgets show you how much of the
list is being displayed and allows you to move the
list up and down if the full list cannot be
displayed at one time. The arrow gadgets allow
you to step though the list one item at a time.
You may hold one of the arrows down and the action
will repeat until you reach the end of the
direction that you were moving the list in. MegaD
also has one more way to scroll the list.
Menu Button Scroll
By having the mouse pointer in the scroll area of
the active window and then pressing the Menu
Select button on the mouse the mouse pointer
becomes your scroller for the window. Moving the
mouse 'off center' of the scroll area the window
will start to scroll in that direction. So if you
move the mouse pointer to the top of the window it
will scroll the list down revealing more of the
upper part of the list. The same happens if you
move the mouse to the bottom or to the sides of
the window.
Accessing Menus
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 24
To get to the menu you must be outside the scroll
area of the active window. The easiest place to
do this is at the top of the screen where the menu
bar will pop up. Your mouse will be out of any of
the possible scroll areas, and ready to select the
menu item that you want.
Selecting Items
Items within the scroll area can be selected in
one of three ways with the mouse pointer.
Single Select Item
Single clicking any item in the Directory Window
will toggle the state of that item. If it was not
selected it will become selected, if it was
selected it will become unselected.
Double Click Item
Double clicking any item in the Directory Window
tells MegaD that you want it to do something with
that item.
Double Click Directory
If it is a directory, MegaD will attempt to load
that directory and place it in a window.
Double Click File
If it is a file and the menu item 'Option,
Activate AutoBoot' is set, MegaD will read the
first few bytes of the file and see if there is
something that it can do with it. At default,
MegaD can load and display a text file and it can
load and run a program file. However, you will be
able to teach it to handle all the different types
of data files that you use. We will get into this
Drag Select Items
Drag select a group of items. This is done by
selecting the start or end of the area that you
wish to select. The select state of the first
item you select determines what color the rest of
the items that you drag select become. Once the
first item is selected move the mouse pointer up
or down depending on which way you want to select
the items in the list. If you move beyond the
scroll area the window will scroll, selecting or
unselecting the items as they move into the
Abort Drag Select
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Getting Started 25
Should you decide to abort the drag select, move
the mouse to the outside left or right of the
window and release the mouse select button, this
will return all the items to the same state that
were before the drag select was started.
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Simple Commands And MegaD 26
Simple Commands And MegaD
Now that we have explored two of the most common
windows that we will use with MegaD. We are going
to do a command. We are going to relabel the copy
of the copy of Workbench that we made to a new
name. We will do this so that we will be less
likely to damage our working copy of Workbench.
If you haven't done so yet, make a new copy of
your Workbench at this time. When complete,
return to this manual.
Relabel under 1.3
If your still using Workbench1.3 MegaD will not do
the relabel command. (And you're really missing
out on a great improvement on the Amiga Operating
System.) File away your original working copy of
Workbench, and place your newly created copy in
drive 'DF0: You will have to do it from a CLI
window. The command line that you will enter will
Relabel DF0: Tutorial
Be sure to have your copy of the Workbench disk in
drive DF0: before issuing this command.
Relabel under 2.0 and Using MegaD
To relabel under 2.0, place the newly created
working copy of Workbench in 'DF0:'. We will
first load the root directory of 'DF0:'. To do
this, use the toggle gadget in the upper portion
of the MegaD control window to ensure "Devices,
Assigns and Drives" is selected (or as an
alternative method, hit the F8 key). Now use the
scroll gadget or the scroll arrows at the upper
right of the control window until 'DF0:' appear in
the volume window (the window immediately below
the 'Free Volume' gadget). Double click on 'DF0:'
in the volume window. A window should appear on
your screen that displays the root directory of
'DF0:'. Now we must tell MegaD that we want to
perform an operation on a volume, so use the upper
toggle gadget again to change from "Devices,
Assigns and Drives" to "Volumes In Memory". We've
just told MegaD that we are going to perform some
(yet unknown) operation on a volume. We must now
tell it which volume. To do this, single click on
'DF0:' in the volume window. Notice that when you
single click on 'DF0:', it changes color to
indicate that it is now 'selected'. Finally, now
that we've told MegaD which volume we want to
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Simple Commands And MegaD 27
perform an operation on, we have to tell it which
operation to perform. We are going to use the
gadgets at the lower portion of the control window
for this. We are looking for the "Relabel"
gadget. On first glance we can't find it. That's
because it is not visible until we press the
'Ctrl' key on the keyboard. Press and hold the
'Ctrl' key and notice that all the bottom gadgets
change. Furthermore, the gadget that was labelled
"Rename" is now called "Relabel". Release the
'Ctrl' key now. The gadgets all change back to
their original state. Find the gadget on the far
right of the lower control panel that is labelled
'C' (it is immediately to the right of the
"Rename" gadget). Select the 'C' gadget. Notice
that all the lower gadgets change again. In fact,
clicking on the 'C' gadget performs the same
function that holding down the 'Ctrl' key did.
Again, the "Rename" gadget has changed to the
"Relabel" gadget. To initiate the relabelling of
the disk in 'DF0:', select the "Relabel" gadget.
A new requestor pops up that reads:
Volume Name
Enter the new name to
relabel this volume to
This requestor is asking for the new name of the
disk in 'DF0:'. Erase the old name, and replace
it with 'Tutorial'. Press the return key on your
keyboard and the disk name will change to
Using the Tutorial Disk
From here on out, all the commands we will learn
will be performed on this disk and your Ram Disk:.
I am sure that the Tutorial: disk will be useless
once we are done. It will be copied to, deleted
from, files written to it and directories moved.
Before we go on any farther let me ask you this
If so Please make a copy of it and catch up with
me here.
Setting the device gadgets
We are going to be using the Tutorial: disk all
through this. It will be nice to set one of the
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Simple Commands And MegaD 28
nine device gadgets to that name. This way you
will be able to load that disk with a simple click
of the mouse button.
MegaD preferences
In the very first menu of MegaD, which is the
Project menu, you will find the menu item 'Set
Preferences..." Select this menu item.
(NEW 3.1) This menu calls the program MDPrefs that should be
in the same directory that MegaD was started from.
Should this fail it could be any of a number of
problems, the two most likely could be that
MDPrefs is not in the same directory as MegaD is
or you do not have enough system memory to run
both programs. If it is the latter problem you
will have to Quit MegaD and run MDPrefs by itself.
Once you are done in MDPrefs, 'Save' the settings
and then re-run MegaD. It will read the newly
save settings.
MegaD Preferences window
A window will open to the screen. This window has
the following gadget to chose from:
Menus & Devices
| Save | Use | Cancel |
From this list of gadgets select 'Menus &
A window will open with many string and booleen
gadgets. We are only concerned at this moment
with the 18 string gadgets arranged at the bottom
of this window.
(NEW 3.1) The string gadgets are arranged in 9 pairs. You
will see that the left string gadget is titled
'Devices' and the right string gadget is titled
'Titles' The 'Devices' string gadget is where you
type the actual path of the directory you want to
load. The 'Titles' gadget is for giving the
gadget a title. This comes in handy for very long
paths to directories where the full path will not
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Simple Commands And MegaD 29
fit into the limited area displayed by the device
gadget in the 'Main Control Window.'
Most if not all of them should be set to something
already. We want two of them to be set for our
specifications for this tutorial. We need one
with the device and title set to "Ram Disk:" (this
may already be set.) and the second set to
"Tutorial:" Please note the ':' colon at the end
of the name. It needs to be there in the Device
string gadget. After setting two device gadgets
to our specifications select the 'Use' and then
the 'Save' gadget. This will write the MegaD
preference file (MegaD2.pf) to the same directory
that you loaded MegaD from and in doing so you
will not have to reset the gadgets each time you
run MegaD. The file will save and the MegaD
Preference window will close. The device gadgets
in the Control Window will now show the
modifications that you just performed. You should
now have one of the gadgets reading 'Ram Disk:'
and another reading 'Tutorial:'
Auto Save when Quit
MegaD is set at default to save the preference
file every time you quit. Each time you are done
using MegaD, and quit the program, MegaD will save
its preference file. This way you will never need
to worry about saving the changes. Eventually
saving the preference file each time you quit will
be a waist of time, we will show you how to change
this setting later.
Simple Commands
The first set of commands that I am going to go
though will be the simple commands that work
without a source and destination directory.
Commands such as 'Set Protect', Create Dir' 'View
Text'... They are simple to explain and so it
will be the best place to start.
Delete Command
Place your Tutorial: disk in any of your floppy
disk drives. Select the 'Tutorial:' device
gadget. The Tutorial: disk will load and the
directory will be placed into a directory window.
In the newly opened 'Tutorial' window, you will
see a number of directories and files ('C',
'Devs', 'Expansion', etc.). One of these
directories is labelled 'C'. Double click on this
'C' directory in the 'Tutorial' text window. The
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Simple Commands And MegaD 30
'C' directory will load and replace the
'Tutorial:' directory list in the open window.
This directory contains upwards of 165,000 bytes
of files. We are going to need some room on this
disk to perform some future functions so we will
delete most of the files in this directory. We
will drag select the first few items in the
directory window. Select the top item and drag
select (by holding the select button down)
downward until just before you reach the 'Dir'
entry in this window. Now release your mouse
select button. When you release the mouse button,
you should notice that approximately the top 11
files (all the way down to but not including the
'Dir' file) in this window are highlighted, and
that the remaining (bottom) files are not
highlighted. We do not want to delete the 'Dir'
command, we will be using it for another function
Final Warning
NOTE: This is the last time I will warn you. You
Must be using a copy of your Workbench disk!!!!!
You have now selected a number of files for some
function. We are going to delete the files
selected. Remember, we have four banks of
gadget and that the first bank of gadget is access
when none of the keyboard shift keys and non of
the 'Shift Gadgets' are selected by the Keypad
Gadgets, The 'Delete" function is located in the
first bank of gadgets on the second keypad gadget
from the right on the top row. Select the
'Delete' gadget. You will get a requestor that
reads something like this:
11 File/s marked for delete
0 Directory/ies marked for delete
With two gadgets in it, Yes and No. Select the
Yes gadget. This can be done with the mouse or
from your keyboard. Any gadget with an
'underlined' character in it, can be selected by
using the corresponding key on your keyboard.
Panic Window
A window will open. This window is called the
Panic Window. It shows you what MegaD is
currently doing. It has two gadgets at the
bottom. Suspend and Cancel. The Suspend gadget
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Simple Commands And MegaD 31
will suspend the current activity, and let you
think about 'continuing', by hitting suspend
again, or 'aborting' with the Cancel gadget.
As the files are deleted they will be displayed in
the Panic window. Once all the marked files are
deleted the Panic window will close, the directory
window will be updated to show the files that were
removed from it.
Now we will drag select all the other items in the
'C' directory leaving the 'Dir' file entry
unselected. Select the Delete gadget again to
remove the rest of the files from the disk. You
will have noticed that it took very little time to
delete this large number of files. This should
scare you just enough to be cautious when using
the Delete function. Under normal methods the
deleted files are gone forever from that disk.
The 'Dir' file should be the only file remaining
in your 'C' directory at this time. Select this
'Dir' directory (by single clicking on it), and
then select the 'Rename' gadget. This gadget is
in the first bank of command gadgets. On the top
row, far right side. A request window will open
that will have 'Dir' in the string gadget. Change
the name to "Directory" and press return. The
filename will change on the disk and in the
directory window to 'Directory'. Rename the file
back to its original name 'Dir'.
Set Protect
Each Amiga file has a set of bits that are
associated with it. They tell the operating
system what it can and can not do with the file.
The different bits are represented by letters:
Protection Bits
r The file can be read.
w The file can be written to (altered).
e The file is executable (a program (not always
the case though))
d The file can be deleted
s The file is a script.
p The file is a pure command and can be made
a The file has been archived.
? Were not sure. (Commodore/Amiga has not
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Simple Commands And MegaD 32
finalize what this bit will be used for)
Display Protect Bits
To get MegaD to display these bits and their
settings you need to select the menu item 'Show,
Protection' so that it has a check mark in front
of it.
Reformat Directory Windows
The open directory window should now be displaying
the protection bits with the directory items. If
not, select the 'Show, Reset All' menu item, this
will force all open directory windows to reformat
the information to the 'Show' menu settings.
We left the 'Dir' file in the 'C' directory of the
Tutorial: disk. If the window to that directory
is not opened, open it now. Select the directory
entry for 'Dir'. We are going to reset the
protection bits of that file with the MegaD 'Set
Protect' command. This command is located on the
first bank of command gadgets, second row to the
far left. Select this gadget. A window will open
with eight check gadgets. One check gadget for
each bit. We want to protect this file from
deletion. Select the top check gadget, which is
'd Delete', so that the check mark is not visible
in it. Then select the Use Gadget. The d flag
will no longer be visible for the 'Dir' directory
Did it really protect this file from deletion?
Select the 'Dir' entry again and try to use the
MegaD Delete command. You should end up with a
requestor that reads:
File dir
is protected
Delete anyway?
Answer No to this requestor, we still need the
'Dir' file for a later lesson. MegaD recognized
that the bit was set, and that the file could not
be deleted. If you would have answered Yes to the
requestor MegaD would have set the delete bit so
that it could be deleted, and then delete the
Auto Destination
Place the Tutorial: disk in one of the drives if
it is not already. Then select the Tutorial:
device gadget to open a directory window to it.
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Simple Commands And MegaD 33
You will notice that the 'Dest'ination gadget is
selected in this window. MegaD selects the active
directory window on the screen as the destination
directory. Some of MegaD commands require that a
destination window be available.
Create Directory
The 'Create Dir' command is one of those commands
that needs a destination.
The 'Create Dir' command gadget is located in the
first bank of command gadgets, second row, second
from the left of the window. Select this gadget
and a requestor will open to the screen that
should read:
Destination Directory
Enter the new name for
the directory to create
It will have a string gadget to enter a directory
name to create in the current destination
directory. Enter 'My_directory' into the string
gadget. Then press return, remember that any
requestor that has only one string gadget,
pressing 'return' in that string gadget is the
same as hitting the 'Use' gadget.
The new directory "My_directory" will be created
on the disk, and the window will be updated to
show the change. MegaD also created a drawer icon
with this directory as "My_directory.info". This
'auto-icon' feature can be disabled (and we'll
show you how later on).
Text Reader
MegaD has a very powerful built in text reader
that can be used to read any text file. It will
read non-text files or word processor files to,
but the formatting of the text may be somewhat
erratic. On the Tutorial: disk you will find some
text files in the S: directory. This is the Amiga
Startup drawer and many script files can be found
there. We are going to get MegaD to read and
place the information found in one of the files in
to a text window.
Loading a text file
Open a Directory Window for the Tutorial: disk if
one is not already opened. Double click the 'S'
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Simple Commands And MegaD 34
directory so that MegaD will read the 'S'
directory and swap it into the same window.
Single select the "Startup-sequence" file. With
that file highlighted select the command gadget
"View Text", it is found in the first bank of
command gadgets, second row, second from the
right. The file will be read from the disk and
place into a text window.
Text Window Parts
This window has the same type of proportional
gadgets and arrow step gadgets that a Directory
Window has. They work in the same manner as the
Directory Window did except that they move your
view position of the text to other unseen areas.
Text Window Menu
You will find that the text window has its own
menu. This menu will let you do a wide variety of
functions such as set the text color, print the
text visible in the window or the whole text file.
It has cursor moves to jump to the first or last
of the file. It will let you search for a string
of characters.
Text Window Keys
Many of the keys on your keyboard will perform the
same functions as your menu. This is a list of
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Simple Commands And MegaD 35
Text Window Keypad
Key Key Front Action
8 Up Arrow Cursor up one line
2 Down Arrow Cursor down one line
4 Left Arrow Cursor left one line
6 Right Arrow Cursor right one line
7 Home First of text file
1 End Last of text file
( NumL Toggle hex mode
0 Ins Repeat last search
. Del Search string
9 Pg Up Page up once
3 Pg Dn Page down once
Your cursor keys will move the text in the window
in the same direction as the keys point.
The window close gadget or your 'Esc' key will
close the text window. Close this text window.
(NEW 3.1)
Auto Text Window Scroll
While holding the Shift key down and selecting the
text window with the Left mouse button. The text
window will start to scroll up or down at
different speeds depending on the current position
of the mouse pointer. One more select of this
window or activating another window will end the
scroll. This enables the user to set the scroll
of the window slow enough that the text file can
be read line after line.
Double Click Text File
We will load the same text file again but we will
not use the 'View Text' command gadget. Double
click the text file the same as you would double
click an icon on the Workbench. MegaD will check
the file to see if it contains text and if so it
will load the text in to a text window. This, I
am sure will become your standard way to load a
text file, the double click of a known text file
will become second nature to read it. Again close
this text window.
Multiple Text Windows
As I said MegaD, has a very powerful text viewer,
but what we have seen so far is not very uncommon.
What makes the MegaD's text viewer so unique is
that you may have as many text windows open at one
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Simple Commands And MegaD 36
time as you like and your system memory will
allow. To demonstrate this I want you to select
about three files in the 'Tutorial:S' directory.
With those three files selected select the 'View
Text' command gadget. MegaD will load all the
selected text files and place each one in a
different text window.
Manipulating Multiple Text Windows
You can toggle through all the text window by
using your 'F7' function key. Each time you press
'F7' the next text window will be moved to the
front of the screen.
We are now done with text windows, so close all
the text windows that you just opened.
File Comments
Each directory entry in a directory list can have
a file comment associated with it. The comment is
a good place to keep special notes with your
files. Maybe the file is associated with another
file such as a program, yet the name of the file
does not seem to relate to it. By adding a
comment that tells you of this association to a
file it can be easily identified later.
The comment can be up to 79 characters long. It
can say anything you want it to say. Adding
comments to your files will not use any more space
on your disk, the space that the comment is stored
is allocated away from your free disk space at the
time the file or directory was created.
Again we will need to have the Tutorial: directory
window opened to the screen. Select the first item
in this window. Now that the directory item is
selected, select the 'File Comment' command
gadget, this command is in the first bank, bottom
row, far left. It is two gadgets wide, to
represent the '0' key on your keypad. Once you
select this command a request window will open
that should read like this:
Source Directory
Source Filename
Destination Directory
Enter comment to add
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to this file
A string gadget is in the bottom that reads:
File comment
And finally four select gadgets:
Use, All, Skip, Cancel
In the string gadget type 'This is a comment' and
press return. The comment will be written to the
disk for that file or directory, in my case it was
the directory 'C'.
The comment should not be visible, an '*' was
place in the line that we selected to enter the
comment for.
Set Show Comment
To see the comment in the Directory Window you
will need to set the menu item 'Show, Comment' so
that a check mark is in front of the 'Comment'.
If the comment is still not visible select the
'Show, Reset All" menu item to force reformatting
of all open directory window.
Setting Multiple Comments
You may set groups of files with the same comment.
This is the purpose of the 'All' gadget that was
in the 'Set Comment' requestor. At this moment I
want you to drag select all the files in the
Tutorial: Directory Window. Select the 'File
Comment' command gadget. Now in the requestors
string gadget enter 'All have a comment' and
instead of pressing return select the All gadget.
This will only take a moment and all the entries
in this directory will have the file comment 'All
have a comment' associated with them.
Before we leave this section select the menu item
'Show, None'. This will uncluttered the directory
windows while we go though the Tutorial. Later
you will find that you like to have certain file
attributes showing such as the size of the file.
For now we are more interested in learning the
commands and the less clutter we have the easier
it will be.
Update Dir
I will not be teaching you how to use this
function as much as when to use this function.
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Buffered Directories
MegaD buffers directories. This means that MegaD
stores a copy of the disk structure in the
computers memory. It does this so that you do not
have to wait for the directory to reload when you
need it again. One of the pitfalls of this method
is that if the directory is changed on the disk by
another program other than MegaD, MegaD's buffered
directory will be inaccurate. An example of this
would be:
You use MegaD to open a Directory Window to the
directory that you store your word processing
files. You switch to using the word processor,
create a new file and save that new file in your
word processing file directory. You switch back
to using MegaD so that you may do something with
the file that you just saved using your word
processor and find that the newly created file is
not listed with the other items in the directory.
MegaD simply does not know that the new file
'Update Dir' only updates the destination
directories on the screen. Selecting the 'Update
Dir' gadget while the 'Dest'ination gadget is
selected for this window will force MegaD to
reload the directory and re-display any new
information found.
'Update Dir' is located on the first bank of
command gadgets bottom row, far right hand side.
Select/Clear commands
You may have notice that I have skipped over the
commands that start with 'Select', 'Clear', 'Sel'
and 'Clr'. You will find a wide variety of these
types of commands on both first bank and the
second bank of the command gadgets. They work on
open Directory Windows in different ways. They
all ether select or clear (unselect) items in
Directory Window. Some work on all items, some
only work of files or directory items, some only
work on source Directory Window. Most of them
are very simple, Such as 'Select All', by
selecting this Command Gadget all items in all
open Directory Windows will become selected. 'Clr
Dir' will clear or unselect all directories in
open Directory Window. 'SelSrcFile' will select
all source (non-'Dest'ination windows) files in
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Simple Commands And MegaD 39
open Directory Window.
In general, there are 14 of these types of
commands. You may want to play around with these.
There is not a lot to them except for two special
types. Patterns and ABoot (AutoBoot). 'Patterns'
can be confusing. They work much the same as
'Filters' and 'Find'. These three will be
discussed later in the Tutorial. ABoot (AutoBoot)
requires an AutoBoot to have been defined before
it can be used so this too will have to wait until
we can dig into the concept and use of AutoBoots.
'Duplicate' is used to create a new copy of a file
or directory in the same directory that the file
or directory is in. The duplicate file or
directory needs to have a different name than the
original, this being that you can not have two
files or directories of the same name in any
particular directory.
The 'Duplicate' Command Gadget is found in the
second (Ctrl) bank on the second row, far left of
the Command Gadgets. Again we will need to have
the Tutorial: directory window opened to the
screen. If you have been going along with this
Tutorial you should have only one item left in the
'C' directory of this disk. Double click the
'Tutorial:C' directory to read and display the
contents. Here we have the "Dir" file that was
renamed to "Directory" and then back to "Dir". We
are going to make a duplicate of this file.
Duplicate a File
Select the directory item "Dir" in the Tutorial:C
Directory Window. Select the 'Duplicate' Command
Gadget. A request window will open that should
Source Directory
Source Filename
Destination Directory
Enter filename
to duplicated this file as
You will also find a string gadget that is titled
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and in this string gadget you will find the
original name of the file that you wish to
duplicate, "Dir".
Change the string in this string gadget to read.
"Duplicated" and press the return key. The file
will be copied to the same directory under the
name "Duplicated". The Directory Window will be
updated to show the new file. This command will
work on full directories if you wish to do so.
Go Deep
'Go Deep' is used to read and place the selected
directories or volumes into MegaD's buffers. You
may find other reasons to use this command but its
main purpose is to calculate how many bytes of
disk space a particular directory or set of
directories take up to store on disk.
Set Show Size
To better see how this works, select the menu item
'Show, Size' so that a 'check mark' is in front of
the menu item. Again we will need to have the
Tutorial: directory window opened to the screen.
The size of files and directories will now be
displayed in the Directory Windows.
If the size of the files are not being shown,
select the menu item, 'Show, Reset All' to force
the re-display of all open Directory Windows.
Calculating Directory Sizes
You will notice that the directories in this
window show "(dir)" in the same column that the
files of the window show the file size. MegaD can
not tell how many bytes of disk space a directory
uses until that full directory has been buffered.
We will tell it to read and buffer one of the
directories. Select the "Devs" entry of the
"Tutorial:" Directory Window. Now select the 'Go
Deep' Command Gadget. It is located on the second
(Ctrl) Command Gadgets bank, second row, far
right. After doing so MegaD will read and buffer
any selected directory in any open Directory
Window. Once it has finished reading the
directory it will calculate the actual space used
by this directory and replace the "(dir)" with
that information.
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Simple Commands And MegaD 41
Empty Directories
If the directory is empty the size will not be
shown and it will be left displaying "(dir)".
'Go Deep' will also work on multiple groups of
selected directories. Drag Select the first three
or so directory items in the Tutorial: Directory
Window, be sure not to select all of them. There
is one more variation on the 'Go Deep' command
that I want to show you later on that will need a
few other directories to read and buffer. After
selecting a few other directories select the 'Go
Deep' Command Gadget. MegaD will do the same to
the selected directories as it did with the one
directory selected earlier.
Buffering a Full Volume
You may tell MegaD to go deep and buffer the full
volume by selecting the entry of the volume in the
'Volumes In Memory' list. Select the Tutorial:
entry in this list and then select the 'Go Deep'
Command Gadget. You will notice that the other
directories that are still buffered whiz by at
high speed in the Panic Window. MegaD knows what
is there and recalculates from memory for those
directories. It will also read all the unbuffered
directories on this disk and buffer and calculate
the directories sizes for them also. Now you
should be able to see the sizes of all directories
that are not empty.
Iconify puts MegaD to sleep so that it can be
called upon later if needed. Iconify works
differently depending on what operating system you
are using.
1.3 Iconify
If you are still using Workbench 1.3, Iconify
opens a small window on the Workbench screen and
closed all other MegaD window. To reopen MegaD,
activate the small window and select the right
mouse button as you would if you wanted to select
a menu item. This will reactivate MegaD so that
you can use it again. MegaD currently supports
Workbench1.3 but in future releases this support
will be removed. Workbench2.0 offers much more
for both you the user and the developers.
2.0 Iconify
If you are using Workbench 2.0 MegaD uses what is
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Simple Commands And MegaD 42
called an Application Icon when in Iconify mode.
To iconify MegaD, select the menu item
'Project/Iconify'. Please do so at this time.
This icon is placed on the Workbench screen, and
looks much like any other icon. It will have the
title of MegaD 3.1x under the icon. The icon can
be double clicked to call MegaD. In doing so the
Control Window will be reopened.
Dropping icons onto the Application Icon
You can also drag and drop other icons onto the
MegaD application icon to have MegaD try to
perform some type of action on the items dropped.
At the very least, this action will reopen the
Control Window. Here is a list of things that
could be dropped onto the MegaD application icon
and what will happen.
Drop a Disk Icon.
By dropping the disk icon onto the application
icon, MegaD will reopen and load the volume
dropped and open a Directory Window to display its
Drop a Drawer Icon
By dropping a drawer icon onto the application
icon MegaD will reopen and load the drawer dropped
and then open a Directory Window to display it's
Drop a Program Icon
By dropping a program Icon onto the application
icon, MegaD will reopen and open a window called
"Program Control" that will allow you to run the
program in a number of different ways. This
window is complex and will be explained when we
get into using AutoBoots, User Gadgets, and Menu
sets later.
Drop a Text File Icon
If you drop a text file icon on to the application
icon, MegaD will reopen, load the text file and
place it into a text window for viewing.
Drop a Project Icon
If you drop a project icon on to the application
icon and MegaD has been trained to know what to do
with that type of data through the AutoBoot
program controls. This could be a graphics file
and MegaD would call your favorite graphics
viewer. This could be a word processor file and
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Simple Commands And MegaD 43
MegaD will call the word processor to allow you to
edit it.
Application Menu
Along with the Application Icon being placed onto
the Workbench screen another feature of Workbench
2.0 is used. Two new menu items will be placed
into the Workbench Tool menu. One is "Call MegaD"
to reopen the MegaD Control Window and the other
is "Quit MegaD" to quit and unload the MegaD code
that is in memory at the moment. To illustrate
this feature, please iconify MegaD by selecting
the menu item 'Project/Iconify'. Notice that all
MegaD directory windows and the MegaD control
window disappear. Further notice that a new MegaD
icon was created on your Workbench screen. With
MegaD still iconified, select the Workbench menu
item 'Tools/Call MegaD'. Notice that the MegaD
control window reopens. If you were observant
when you selected the Workbench menu item
'Tools/Call MegaD', you noticed another menu item
labelled 'Tools/Quit MegaD'. These are the two
application menus when MegaD is iconified
Quitting MegaD
MegaD has six ways to quit and unload the program
code from memory. One, the window close gadget in
the Control Window. Two, the Quit menu item in the
project menu. Three Right-Amiga Q, the menu
equivalent of 'Quit'. Four, the Command Gadget
'Quit'. Five, the "Application Menu", "Tools,
Quit MegaD" from the Workbench screen. And the
ARexx QUIT command, All six do exactly the same
thing. The 'Quit' Command Gadget is located on
the second (Ctrl) bank, bottom row, second from
the right of the Command Gadgets.
Disk Labels
MegaD has a complete facility for creating disk
labels with very little effort. A printer is
required to create them. MegaD can be set to use
any size label. It comes set at default to work
with an Avery brand pin fed label. The product
number is 4241. As mentioned it can be set to use
the label of your choice and this is done by the
menu item 'Project, Defaults'.
Labels can be created from scratch (manually) or
from information selected in the directory window
for a volume.
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Simple Commands And MegaD 44
Manual Label
To create a label manually, Be sure that there are
no items selected in any of the Directory Windows
and that none of the 'Volumes In Memory' items are
selected. Select the 'Label' Command Gadget that
is located on the third (shift) bank, second row,
far left. A window will open titled "Manual
Labels". This window has 15 string gadgets and
two booleen gadgets. The topmost string gadget is
used to enter the volume name. This name is
printed on the label in two places. Once where it
can be seen at the top where the label folds over
the top of the disk. The second time on the front
of the label to title it. The other 14 string
gadgets are there to enter whatever you want
printed below the title. To print the label
select the Print gadget. To clear all the strings
for a new label select the Clear gadget. The
window close gadget will close the window. The
'Q' keyboard key will do the same function as the
window close gadget.
Auto Labels
The second and quickest way to create a label is
to select items in an open Directory Window or to
select the volume name in the 'Volumes In Memory'
list. After doing so and then selecting the
Command Gadget 'Label' MegaD will print the
selected information on to the disk label.
I suggest that your load the Tutorial: volume into
a Directory Window and try the different modes of
the label print. Print to plain paper so not to
waste any labels and this will give you an idea of
how simple it can be to create labels for your
Label Align
Label align is used to help you align the labels
in your printer before printing them. It needs to
be done only once each time you load the pin fed
labels into your printer.
Label align prints two dots to the printer. The
dots should be just above the label as to not
write on the label and should be centered over the
label. You may select Command Gadget 'Label
Align' as often as you wish and the label will not
be advance in the printer. The Command Gadget
'Label Align' is located on the third (shifted)
bank, second row, second from the left of the
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Command Gadgets.
Label Modify
'Lab. Modify' is a combination of the auto label
and manual label modes. It places selected
information found in the ''Volumes In Memory''
list or open Directory Window into the manual
label window. This allows you to preview it and
modify, before it is sent to the printer. The
best way to understand this is to select a few
items in Tutorial: Directory Window and select the
Command Gadget 'Lab. Modify', this is located on
the third (shifted) bank, second row, second from
the right. The manual label window will open and
the information will be placed into the window for
modification. Select Print, Clear or close the
window depending on what you want to do from this
Duplicate Disk Labels
'Label Times' works the same as Label does only it
will give you a requestor before printing the
label and allow you to specify how many duplicates
you need at the time. Select a couple of items
in the Tutorial: Directory Window and select the
Command Gadget 'Label Times', it is located on the
third (shifted) bank second row far right. Once
doing so a requestor will open that will read:
Enter the number of labels
you wish to print for each
marked volume
A string gadget title "Number of labels" will be
active, and will allow you to enter the quantity
of labels to print. Enter a quantity if you want
and press return or hit the Cancel gadget to abort
the operation.
Directory listings
MegaD allows you to create, and then save or print
a list of selected items in Directory Windows.
The format and sort order of this list depends
upon the settings you have selected in the 'Show'
menu. This feature may not be abundantly clear at
present, so let me explain.
Output File
If a directory is selected 'Output File' will
create a list of all files and sub- directories
found in the selected directory. The same is true
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Simple Commands And MegaD 46
if a volume is selected in the 'Volumes In Memory'
list. It will create a complete directory listing
of all files and directories on the selected
To demonstrate this we will we will need to have
the Tutorial: directory window opened to the
screen. 'Output File' requires a 'Dest'ination
window to be available for it to write the file
to. By opening the Tutorial: Directory Window the
'Dest'ination gadget of the Tutorial: Directory
Window should have been automatically selected by
MegaD. If it is not, select it before continuing.
Select a couple of directories and a few of the
files in the Tutorial: Directory Window. Then
select the Command Gadget 'Output File', it is
located on the third (shifted) bank of Command
Gadgets, Third row, far left. After doing so a
request window will open displaying this
Destination Directory
Enter output filename
Destination Directory
Below will be an active string gadget titled
"Filename", enter "DirList" into this string
gadget and press return. The selected directories
will be read from the disk and all the selected
information will be written to the file "DirList"
in the directory Tutorial:. The Tutorial:
Directory Window will be updated to show the new
file that has just been written. Now to take a
quick look at what was done, double click the
"DirList" file and MegaD will load and place that
file in a text window so that it can be viewed.
Output Format
Each new level of sub-directories is indented four
spaces. If any particular directory contains more
than one file, then that directory's file list
will be two columns wide.
There is a slight variation to how the list can be
printed. If you want tree lines to help trace the
directories and sub-directory structures, you will
find an option in the Output Menu that can be
checked to do this. Place a check by the menu
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Simple Commands And MegaD 47
item 'Output, W/Tree Lines'. Now perform the
actions required to create another directory
listing and place that file into a text window
just as we did before. Now you can compare the
difference of the two outputs.
We can create a full listings of the volume by
selecting the Tutorial: entry in the 'Volumes In
Memory' list. After doing so select the 'Output
File' option again. After answering the
requestor, MegaD will read through all the
directories and sub directories creating a list of
everything that can be found on the volume.
I find that this output directory list is very
valuable when I am looking to free up a little
space on my hard drive. Once the list is made I
can scan through it looking for old files that can
be archived or deleted. Programs that I no longer
have the need to keep readily available.
Output Prt
This is the twin brother of the above described
Output File. The only different between the two
is this will send the output to the printer
through the PRT: device.
MegaD's Spooler
MegaD uses its own spooler while doing any
printing task. This lets you continue using MegaD
while your printer is printing away.
Cancel print jobs
There are two special menu items that allow you to
communicate with the spooler. You will find them
under the 'Panic' menu. They are 'CANCEL PRINT'
the current print job and go on to the next job if
one is waiting. 'CANCEL ALL PRINT' will cancel
all print task waiting and the current print job.
Printing Text Files
'Prt Text' will send a selected text file in any
of the open Directory Windows to the spooler which
in turn will send it to the printer. It will do
some minor checking to see if the file can be
printed. It will not let you try to print an
executable file and it skips over .info files.
MegaD is smart enough to prevent the printing of
executable files and .info files; however, it
cannot distinguish between text files and word
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Simple Commands And MegaD 48
processor formatted files. If you attempt to send
a word processor formatted file to the printer
with MegaD, the output will not be legible. A
good test to be sure that the file is a text file
is to double click the file or used the 'View
Text' option to see if it will be read and placed
into a text window.
If you do not have a printer connected to your
Amiga this option will not be of any value to you
and you should not perform the following actions.
We will again need a window open to the "S"
directory on the Tutorial: disk. Mark the
Startup-Sequence file so that it is selected in
the window. Then select he Command Gadget 'Prt
Text' found on the third (shifted) bank, third
row, second from the right. In a few moments the
document will begin to be printed to your printer.
You may select one or more text files and the 'Prt
Text' command will send all of them to the printer
one after the other. Though I do not suggest that
you do this now unless you have a reason to create
a number of hard copies of the text files.
Searching Text Files
'Search Text' is used to find a word or string of
text in one or more selected text files. Should
you select a directory, 'Search Text' will look
through the full directory and sub-directories for
any occurrences of the string. For this example we
will use the word "path".
MegaD searches are not case sensitive. So "path"
will match to "PATH", "Path", "pATH"... as long
as it spells "path" the match will be true.
It will look for the word "path" within other
words, so if it comes across the words "pathway"
it will be a match, though it may not be what you
want. You can add spaces before the word and
after the word such as " path " and the match to
pathway will not be true anymore. But this will
prevent path from being found if it were the first
word on a new line such as "[RETURN]path " or it
was the last word in a sentence that ended with a
period like this " path."
There is a very good chance that the word "path"
can be found in one of the text files found in the
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Simple Commands And MegaD 49
"S" directory on the Tutorial: disk. Open a
window to this directory and drag select all the
files found in it. Select the Command Gadget
'Search Text'. It is located on the third
(shifted) bank, forth row, Second from the right.
A requestor will open that read like this:
Destination Directory
Enter the string to search for
in all marked files
?, #?, * permitted
Include optional filename to
create a list of locations found
Below are two string gadgets titled "Search
String" and "Optional filename for list" At this
moment we only want to fill in the first string
gadget "Search String" with "path". After typing
"path" into the string gadget, select the "Use"
gadgets with the mouse. MegaD will start to
search though the selected files. Hopefully it
will find the word you are searching for. If so
it will bring up a requestor that reads like this.
Was found in path
under filename
Open This text window?
Select the Yes gadget so that the text will be
loaded and viewed with a text window. The first
occurrence of the found string will be highlighted
on the first line of the text window, any other
occurrences, of the found string, that are visible
in the text window will also be highlighted. Now
close this text window.
This is fine when you are looking for just one
text file that has a string in it that you want to
find. There may be times that you wish to create
a list of all occurrences of a string in one or
more text files. To demonstrate this, we will
again select all the files in the "Tutorial:S"
directory. We must be sure that there is a
destination window available. If the
'Dest'ination gadget is not selected for the
"Tutorial:S" Directory Window, select it with your
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Simple Commands And MegaD 50
mouse. Select the Command Gadget 'Search Text'
again. You should notice that the "Search String"
gadget still contains the "path" string. Press
return on this and the next string gadget will be
activated. In this string gadget, "Optional
filename for list" type "findList" and then select
the "Use" gadget. If any matches are found a
simple message will be placed to the screen, that
should read:
path was found 4 times
and was saved in file
It will have a single gadget at the bottom titled
"Continue" select this gadget and MegaD will open
a text window of the newly created text file
"findList". This text will show the path/s and
filename/s that the string was found in, what
lines they were found on, and a copy of each line
the string was found in.
As a personal note:
I have found this to be a valuable tool. For
example, another program I have, "cxref" includes
a similar feature, it creates a cross reference.
There are times that the cross reference fails to
list just what I want to find. The 'Search Text'
feature of MegaD has performed well for me at
these times, creating a very usable list of where
I can find what I am looking for.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Source and Destination Commands 51
Source and Destination Commands
Up to this point, we have looked at commands that
can be used with only one directory window.
Hopefully you are now comfortable with the use of
the Control Window and the Directory Windows. We
have been limited in what we can do with one
window. Commands such as 'Copy', 'Copy As',
'Move' and 'Move As' require two or more windows
to work. They each require a source and a
destination to perform their task.
Destination Window Definition
A destination window is any window that the
'Dest'ination gadget of the Directory Window is
Source Window Definition
A source window is any Directory Window in which
(a) the 'Dest'ination gadget is not selected, and
(b) at least one directory item is selected.
We will confine our use of the system to two
volumes. The Tutorial: volume and the Ram Disk:
volume. This way we will not mess up any
important disk while we see what MegaD can do. We
will also limit ourselves to using only one source
directory and one destination directory at a time.
Later we will work with multiples destination and
source directories but not at this moment to keep
confusion to a minimum.
Action Warnings
'Copy', 'Copy As', 'Move' and 'Move As' will warn
you before the command is executed and if you will
be writing over the top of another file. The
warnings can be turned off. For now we want to
keep them around to insure that we do not do
something we shouldn't.
Auto 'Dest'ination
How to use the auto 'Dest'ination feature. MegaD
will select the 'Dest'ination gadget of the
currently active Directory Window. This is the
window that is active on the system, and can be
distinguished from all inactive windows because
its window border will be a highlighted color.
The Amiga operating system can only have one
window active on the system. You can have many
windows doing different tasks, but only one of the
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Source and Destination Commands 52
windows will accept input from the user. This
input is usually from the keyboard or the mouse.
The window can be activated by selecting anywhere
within and on the window borders.
Active Window
MegaD uses this active window to decide which
Directory Window to select as the destination
directory. As you select other Directory Window
to become active the 'Dest'ination gadget will
also be selected with it.
Opening Two Directory Windows
Open two Directory Windows by selecting the
Tutorial: and Ram Disk: device gadgets. Watch the
'Dest'ination gadgets of the windows as they are
opened. You will see the first Directory Window
'Dest'ination gadget become selected. When the
next window opens the 'Dest'ination gadget of that
window becomes selected and the first Directory
Window 'Dest'ination gadget becomes unselected.
Now that two Directory Windows are opened,
activate the inactive Directory Window by
selecting it, the 'Dest'ination gadget of the
selected Directory Window will be set. The
selection of Directory Windows for destination
directory becomes second nature after using MegaD
for a time.
Last Active Window Destination
For you who are used to the standard two window
directory utility that have been available for the
Amiga, this active window as the destination will
seem backward. There is a check mark in the
'MegaD Preferences, Set Defaults' window that will
switch this to last active window destination.
Beware, you may not like it after you find how
well MegaD works with multiple source directories.
Overriding Auto Destination
This feature can be overridden at anytime by
selecting any Directory Window 'Dest'ination
gadgets. Once the user does this the
'Dest'ination gadget will have a double drawn
border the looks different from any other selected
gadget. If you have not notice this yet select
any 'Dest'ination gadget on a Directory Window,
the border will change, select it again and the
'Dest'ination gadget will become unselected with a
normal border.
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Source and Destination Commands 53
Copying Files
'Copy' will create a copy of the selected file or
files of a source directory in the destination
directory. To do this we will need two Directory
Windows open on the screen. Select the Tutorial:
device gadget and the Ram Disk: device gadget.
The Two directories will be loaded and place in
separate Directory Windows.
If you have been following along from the start
you should find a text file titled "DirList" in
the Tutorial: Directory Window, if not use any of
the .info files in the Tutorial: Directory Window
for this demonstration. Select the "DirList"
file, then select the Ram Disk: Directory Window
to activate it, I usually use the top window
border, this way none of the directory items are
accidentally selected. As you activated it, the
'Dest'ination gadget of the Ram Disk: Directory
Window became selected, showing it to be the
destination directory.
Now select the Command Gadget 'Copy', this is
located on the first bank, top row, far left.
After doing so you will get a requestor that
1 file/s marked for copy
0 director/ies marked for copy
to be copied to 1 directory window/s
Select 'Yes' and the file will be copied to the
Ram Disk: and the Directory Window will be updated
to show the newly copied file.
Replace File Warning
MegaD will warn you if you are going to write over
the top of an old file, to demonstrate this will
perform the same identical actions as before to
copy the "DirList" file to the Ram Disk:. Now the
file "DirList" exists on the destination directory
and the warning will be produced. After trying to
copy the file again this warning will be produced
and MegaD will wait for your response to the
following requestor:
You will be replacing
the newer file
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in directory
Ram Disk:
Replace it?
If you answer yes the file will be overwritten by
a new copy of it. This is inconsequential being
the two files are identical but later on as you
use MegaD you could replace a file the you wanted
to keep only because it had the same name as the
file you were copying. There are ways to turn off
the warnings, but until you are sure of how MegaD
works and what it can do, I suggest that you leave
the warnings active.
Copying Directories
MegaD will also copy a directory and its contents,
which could contain other directories and files.
Select the 'C' directory in the Tutorial:
Directory Window. Activate the Ram Disk:
Directory Window to make it the destination
directory, the 'Dest'ination gadget of that window
should be selected. Select 'Copy' again. A
request window will open that should read:
0 Files marked for copy
1 Directory/ies marked for copy
To be copied to 1 directory window/s
Answer 'Yes' and MegaD will read the contents of
the selected directory and copy it. Once it is
finished an exact duplicate of the selected
directory will be created in the Ram Disk:
Copying Groups of Files and Directories
MegaD will copy groups of selected files and
directories to a Directory Window. If you have
enough spare memory on your Amiga that will allow
you to, you may want to try selecting a group of
files and directories on the Tutorial: volume and
copy them to the Ram Disk: volume.
MegaD will not replace a directory with another
directory or file. So if you try to copy the
"Tutorial:C directory to the Ram Disk: again it
will fail. MegaD has the power to delete the
directory and then copy the new one to it. I have
chosen not to let MegaD perform this as a one step
process. You the user will have to take the extra
step to first 'Delete' the directory and then mark
and copy the new directory or file into its place.
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Copy and Rename a File
'Copy As' is used to copy the file as 'Copy' does,
but you have a way to give the copy of the file a
different name than the original. It functions
100% the same a the 'Copy' command works except
for this.
To demonstrate this you will follow the same steps
as you did above for the use of 'Copy' only you
will use the command gadget 'Copy As'. The only
change will be when it comes time to copy the
"DirList" file in the Tutorial: Directory Window
you will be given a requestor that will read:
Source Directory
Source Filename
Destination Directory
Ram Disk:
Enter filename
to rename copy of this file
A string gadget titled "Filename" will be active
with the original name of the file that was
selected to copy. Simply add a "2" to the end of
the name so that it now reads "DirList2" and press
return. The file will be copied using the new
destination name "DirList2", the Ram Disk:
Directory Window will be updated to show the newly
added file.
If you change your mind and decide that you wish
to keep the name of copy the same as the original
simply press return without changing the original
name when prompted for the new filename. The file
will still be copied and the name will be left
You may have notice that the new filename
requestor also gave you a gadget titled "Skip".
If you select a group of files to be copied and
use the 'Copy As' Command Gadget, you are given
the choice to copy the file or to skip that file
and go to the next selected item.
Moving Files
The 'Move' command is used for moving files from
one directory to another. MegaD performs this
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Source and Destination Commands 56
function two different ways. If the file is to be
moved from one volume to another volume, the file
will first be copied to the destination directory,
then the original will be deleted from the source
directory. If the file is to be moved on the same
volume, it will be renamed to the destination
directory. This requires a very low overhead, and
being so, a large 200,000 byte file will be moved
as fast as a 50 byte file. You only have to make
the decision of where your moving the file to,
MegaD makes the decision of how to move it.
To do this we will need two Directory Windows open
to the screen. Select the Tutorial: device
gadgets and the Ram Disk: device gadget. The two
directories will be loaded and place in separate
Directory Windows.
You should find a text file titled "Prefs.info" in
the Tutorial: Directory Window, if not use any
other .info files in the Tutorial: Directory
Window for this demonstration. Select the
"Prefs.info" file, then select the Ram Disk:
Directory Window to activate it. As you activated
it, the 'Dest'ination gadget of the Ram Disk:
Directory Window became selected, showing it to be
the destination directory.
Now select the Command Gadget 'Move', this is
located on the first bank, top row, second from
the left. After doing so you will get a requestor
that reads:
1 file/s marked for move
0 director/ies marked for move
To be moved to 1 directory window/s
Select 'Yes' and the file will be moved to the Ram
Disk: and the two Directory Windows will be
updated to show the newly moved file.
MegaD will warn you if you are going to write over
the top of an old file during a 'Move' just as it
did during a 'Copy'. There are ways to turn off
the warnings but until you are sure of how MegaD
works and what it can do, I suggest that you leave
the warnings active.
Moving Directories
MegaD will also move a directory and its contents,
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Source and Destination Commands 57
which could contain other directories and files.
Select the 'L' directory in the Tutorial:
Directory Window. Activate the Ram Disk:
Directory Window to make it the destination
directory, the 'Dest'ination gadget of that window
should be selected. Select 'Move' again. A
request window will open that should read:
0 Files marked for move
1 Directory/ies marked for move
To be moved to 1 directory window/s
Answer 'Yes' and MegaD will read the contents of
the selected directory and move it, once it is
finished an exact duplicate of the selected
directory will be created in the Ram Disk:
MegaD will move groups of selected files and
directories to a Directory Window. We are going
to move all the .info files of the Tutorial:
volume to a sub-directory on the same volume. If
you have been following along you should find a
directory on the Tutorial: disk named
"My_directory", this is going to be the
destination directory for the next move. Drag
select all the files listed in the Tutorial:
Directory Window.
Working in the Same Volume
Before opening the "My_directory" sub- directory
of the Tutorial: disk, select the "Lock" gadget of
the Tutorial: Directory Window. As described at
the start of this tutorial the "Lock" gadget will
lock the window to the screen. MegaD is set to
allow only one window per volume, the lock gadget
overrides this allowing another window to open.
Now double click the "My_directory" of the
Tutorial: Directory Window. The empty
"My_directory" Directory Window will open in front
of the Tutorial: Directory Window. The
'Dest'ination gadget will be selected on the
"My_directory" Directory Window marking this as
destination directory.
Navigating Through Multiple Directory Windows
Lets take a little time out here, This is the
first time that we have opened two Directory
Window on the same volume. MegaD lets you uses
the cursor keys to help navigate through open or
previously opened Directory Windows. Left and
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Source and Destination Commands 58
right cursor moves you from volume to volume. Up
and down cursors moves you from directory to
directory of the current active volume. If you do
not have the Ram Disk: Directory Window opened,
open it now so that you may use the four cursor
keys to manipulate the open Directory Windows.
Cursor left and right changing active volumes.
Cursor up and down to move within those volumes.
Now cursor back to the Tutorial: Directory Window
and then cursor down to activate the
"My_directory" Directory Window which in turn
should select the 'Dest'ination gadget. Now that
the "My_directory" is the destination directory,
select the 'Move' Command Gadget and answer the
requestors, that will in turn move the files we
selected earlier to their new directory.
We will need the files back in their original
position, so drag select all the files in
"My_directory", and move them back to the
Tutorial: Directory Window.
Just as with 'Copy' MegaD will not replace a
directory with another directory. So if you try
to move the "Tutorial:L" directory to the Ram
Disk: again it will fail.
Move and Rename
'Move As' is 'Move' with the option to change the
name of the file or directory while it is being
moved. Much as we did with 'Copy' and 'Copy As',
so you should already know how to do this if
you've gone through those two functions. You may
want to test it out, but once you are done try to
have the files and directories of the Tutorial:
volume in the same order they are now. This way
we will still be on common ground as we walk
through some other functions.
Multiple Destination And Source Directories
There is no real secret to how this works. If you
want to copy files from more than one directory,
simply open more than one source windows and mark
the items in the windows that you want to work
If you want to copy files to more than one
directory, simply open the directory windows you
wish copy to and select the 'Dest'ination gadget
on those windows so that they become user defined
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Source and Destination Commands 59
There are no limits to the number of source, or
number of destination windows you can use at one
'Copy', 'Copy As', 'Move', 'Move As' and 'Create
Dir' work with multiple 'Dest'ination windows.
The best way to see this in action is to copy some
files from your Tutorial: disk to the Ram Disk:.
Follow the below steps to perform a 'Copy' using
both multiple Source Directories and using
multiple Destination Directories:
1. Open a Directory Window for the Tutorial:
disk, Lock that window. Select a few files in
this window. (Source directory 1.)
2. 'Double Click' the "Devs" entry of the
Tutorial: Directory Window, to open the second
source window. Lock this window too. Select a
few files in this window also. (Source
directory 2.)
3. Open a Directory Window for the "Ram Disk:"
disk, 'Lock' and select the 'Dest'ination
gadget. (Destination directory 1.)
4. 'Double Click' the "T" entry of the "Ram
Disk:" Directory Window to open a sub-directory
window. Select the 'Dest'ination gadget of
this window too. (Destination directory 2.)
5. Select the 'Copy' Command Gadget.
After the 'Copy' command is finished, the
windows will be updated to show the newly
copied files. You have just copied files from
two directory window into two other directory
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Source and Destination Commands 60
Filters and Pattern Matching
Filter Requestor
The four functions, 'Sel Patterns', 'Clr
Patterns', 'Filters +', and 'Find' use the same
requestor. 'Filter -' will be mentioned here
because it undoes what 'Filter +' does. The Find
requestor changes so that you may define a
destination directory and file name to place the
list of found items during the search of directory
items. All four commands function the same, but
produce a different result. Lets examine what
they do.
Filter + Function
'Filter +' will filter in or filter out items in
the Directory Window, making the list more
manageable. An example of this would be a large
directory of graphic files. Some have the
extension .iff and others have the extension .gif.
A filter could be added to the Directory Window
that would hide non .gif files listing only the
.gif files at the moment. At places in the list
where items have been hidden, lines will be drawn
showing that the list being viewed is filtered and
is incomplete. Think of this as a fold in the
Find Function
'Find' will search through whole volumes or
selected directories searching for a file or
directory. You may know the name of the file that
you want but you can not seem to find it. Find
will 'Go Deep' into the volume or directory until
the file is found or the end of the search area is
reached. Find will also make a list of found
files that match the select criteria to a specific
file that you designate.
Select Pattern Function
'Sel Pattern' will select items in open Directory
Window that match the patterns set in the filter
Clear Pattern Function
'Clr Pattern' will clear or unselect items in open
Directory Window that match the patterns set in
the filter requestor.
We will use the 'Filter +' and 'Filter -' Command
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Source and Destination Commands 61
Gadget to demonstrate how this concept works.
After you use it for a few times, getting the hang
of how the others work will be a cinch.
This filter requestor may look intimidating, but
you need only use and set one filter to use it.
You are allowed to use up to five filters at one
time, but you only have to define one to make it
We will use it on a single directory at first.
First open the Tutorial: Directory Window. The
'Dest'ination gadget of that window should be
selected so that it is the destination directory.
Set the Show menu to show all information of the
directory by using the 'Show, All' menu item. Now
select the 'Filter +' Command Gadget. This is
located on the second (Ctrl) bank, second row,
second from the left. The filter requestor will
open to the screen.
Elements of a Filter
Lets take a brief moment and talk about the
elements of a filter. The five possible filters
are displayed one line at a time. Each filter has
four elements to work with.
o Type gadget that can be cycled though Name,
Size, Date and Protect.
o String gadget that lets you type in the filter.
o In/Out gadget to filter items in or out.
o Activate gadget to turn the filter on or off.
In/Out Filter Gadget
The In/Out gadget have very general rules as to
what it does with the filter.
o In Rule.
If the items match the filter the items
will be displayed in the list. All
other items will be hidden from the
o Out Rule.
If the items match the filter the
matching items will be hidden in the
o Out overrides In Rule.
The Out Rule will override the In Rule
if multiple filters are used. An Out
filter, in this case, will only remove
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the items left to be displayed, as set
by the In Rule. (This Rule can only
occur on multiple filters.)
If this is the first time into this requestor you
will find that the 'In/Out' and the Activate'
gadgets are ghosted for all five filters. You
need valid filter information in the string that
matches the far left cycle gadget, This far left
gadget sets the type of filter. The filter type
choices are:
Name Works on the filename of the directory
Size Works on the size of the directory
Date Works on the Date of the directory
Protect Works on the protection bits of the
At anytime you may select the 'Filters -' Command
Gadget to free up the filters that you have
installed on your directories. Filters are
remembered on your directory even if you close the
Directory Window. Only until the directory is
freed from memory by the 'Free Volumes' gadget or
the 'Filter -' Command Gadget is selected will the
filter be removed.
Using Name filters
First off, I can't possibly tell you all the ways
to use pattern matches. The new AmigaDOS 2.0
pattern matches are very extensive and powerful.
That power is available though MegaD only through
the foresight of the programmers who wrote the new
2.0 operating system. Should you need more than
simple pattern matches you will find the
information in books such as 'The AmigaDOS Manual,
3rd Edition' publish by Bantam Computer books. I
will limit this discussion to the simple #?
pattern match.
Cycle the top filter Type gadget to 'Name' if it
is not already set that way. In the top string
gadget type "S#?" for the filter to use on the
Tutorial: Directory Window. The filters are case
insensitive so S or s will both match S.
Wildcards Pattern
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Source and Destination Commands 63
Why #?, AmigaDOS will allow you to use '?' as a
wild card in your pattern. On your Tutorial:
volume the directory entry "System" should still
be there. All the below patterns would match this
The last one will match any filename that starts
with the character 'S' and is six characters long.
The # symbol before the wild card character '?' or
any other pattern character is used to repeat the
pattern character any number of times including
zero times. Now that we know this we can create
the "S?????" pattern this way
This pattern will not only select "System", it
will also select :
As you can see it is less restrictive and lets you
select filenames of different lengths.
The #? wild card pattern match needs not be at the
end of the pattern, it can be the first characters
in the pattern or it can be in between characters.
"#?.info" Will select all files that have the
.info extension added to it. If I use it on my
Tutorial: disk, this is the list of files that are
selected by the filter:
disk.info Shell.info
Expansion.info System.info
Monitors.info Trashcan.info
My_directory.info Utilities.info
Prefs.info WBstartup.info
"S#?.info" will select all files that have the
.info extension added to and start with the letter
'S'. This is the result if I use this filter:
Shell.info System.info
As you can see we can be very selective in what we
want to select by the use of patterns.
Through the next few exercises, we will only be
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Source and Destination Commands 64
using one filter. This way we will not be
confused with multiple filters. Later, we will
work with multiple filters, but until then, work
only with the top most set of filter gadgets.
Un-Ghosting The Activate Gadget
We are going to create the filter "S#?" in the
first filter. Type the characters into the top
string gadget and press return. You will notice
that the In/Out and the Activate gadget are no
longer ghosted. The return on a string gadget
tells MegaD that it needs to check to see if a
valid filter has been created and if so it will
un-ghost the gadgets so that you may select them.
Activating a Filter
Select that Activate gadget so that this will be
an active filter. Now select the use gadget. You
will see the Tutorial: Directory Window change to
reflect the current filter setting. Only files
that start with the letter 'S' are visible now.
Using Filter Out
Select the Command Gadget 'Filter +' again and
change the In/Out cycle gadget to read "Out".
Select the 'Use' gadget again. The Directory
Window will again change, showing the new filter
settings, this time it will show all filenames
except those that start with the letter 'S'.
Using Size filters
Size filters work on the size of files. They do
not work on directory sizes. Set MegaD to show
the size of the file by checking the menu item
'Show, Size'.
A size filter can be specified as 'exact',
'greater than', and 'less than' the numeric size
entered into the string gadgets.
Less Than Size Filter
On the Tutorial: volume are a number of .info
files. Some are greater than 1000 bytes in size
and some are smaller. We are going to create a
filter that will specify files smaller than 1000
bytes. Enter "-1000" into the first string gadget
of the filter requestor. The minus '-' sign sets
the filter to select files less than the size
specified. Set the 'In/Out' gadget to in. Set
the cycle type to "Size" and make sure that the
Activate gadget is selected for this filter.
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Source and Destination Commands 65
Select the 'Use' gadget and the Tutorial:
Directory Window will reset itself to show you the
current filter settings. This is the listing I
ended up with using this filter:
disk.info 388 Shell.info 722
Expansion.info 824 System.info 824
Monitors.info 824 Utilities.info 824
My_directory.info 632 WBstartup.info 824
Greater Than Size Filter
Select the 'Filter +' Command Gadget again and
change the "-1000" to "+1000". The plus (+) sign
sets the size filter to look for files with a size
greater than the numeric value found in the string
gadget. Once again select the 'Use' gadget to set
this filter to the Directory Window. The listing
that I came up with looks like this:
DirList 4,663 Trashcan.info 1,144
Prefs.info 1,144
Exact Size Filter
There is one more type of size filter and that is
when you want to match a file by the exact size.
As you can see above, I have two files that use
1,144 bytes. If I want to create a filter for
those, I would type into the string gadget "1144",
you simply omit the plus or the minus sign to
create an exact match. You may have to change the
value to fit at least one of the files to create
your exact match but you should be getting the
idea of how things works.
Using Date filters
You will have to set MegaD to show the date the
file and directories were created or last changed.
If you're not currently displaying dates in the
Directory Window check the menu item 'Show, Date'.
Set the Filter Type Gadget First
It is always best to set the filter type gadget to
the kind of filter you want before entering the
filter. This way MegaD can help you format the
filter. A good example of this is the Date filter
type. The date filter requires a rather long
string of characters in this format:
(Day-Month-Year Hour:Minutes:Seconds)
If you set the filter type to Date and enter just
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Source and Destination Commands 66
the Date of the filter and press return the time
will be filled in as zeros. Let test this out.
Type in the date like this:
and press return. The time will be added to the
end of the filter.
03-05-92 00:00:00
This will tell MegaD to filter with the date of
May 3, 1992 12:00 am.
Now it is rare that you will be looking for a file
on a precise date and time. More than likely you
would want to look for files after a date or
before a date. To look for files created or
modified after a date you would want to add a '+'
sign in front of the filter. To look for files
created or modified before a date you would want
to add the '-' sign in front of the filter.
Examples of this are:
+03-05-92 00:00:00
would look for files after the date.
-03-05-92 00:00:00
would look for files before the date.
Now for you to test this you will have to pick a
date that has some midway point of the directory
list you are looking at. Some files should be
older than this date and some files should be
newer. The date filter must be entered in this
Type the number of day first
The number of the month second
The last two digits of the year last
All should be separated by the negative (-) sign.
After Date Filter
Add a plus (+) sign to the front of the date to
tell the filter to look for newer files, press
return. Set the In/Out gadget to In. The
Activate gadget for this filter should not be
ghosted (disabled) and you should select it if it
is not already selected. Now select the 'Use'
gadget. You should now only be able to see newer
files than the date you typed in the filter in the
open Directory Window.
Before Date Filter
Now reopen the filter requestor and change the +
to a - at the first of the filter string and
select the 'Use' gadget. You should be able to
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Source and Destination Commands 67
see older files than the date specified and the
other will be filtered out.
You can use an exact date to select on. This has
minimal use, It is very unlikely that you will
have more than one file with the same date and
time. If you should have a reason to do so simply
omit the (+) or the (-) sign from the front of the
Using Protect filters
You will need to set MegaD to show the protection
bits. If it is not already showing the protection
bits check the menu item 'Show, Protect".
Set the filter type gadget to Protect. Set the
In/Out gadget to In. We will use the Tutorial:
volume to test this type of filter on. A good
directory for this is the S: directory on it. The
startup drawer usually has some items with the s
bit set for Script. This is a listing from my
"Tutorial:S" directory:
BRUtab ----rw-d PCD -s--rwed
DPat -s--rwed Shell-startup -s--rwed
Ed-startup ----rw-d SPat -s--rwed
HDBackup.co ----rw-d Startup-sequence ----rwed
Your "Tutorial:S" directory may be different but
what we are looking for is a few files with the S
bit set for script. If your directory has none
with this bit set use the 'Set Protect' on some
similar files in your "Tutorial:S" Directory
Protection filters are a little different from
other filters in that you have to have a + or a -
before the bits you want to test. The + tells the
filter that the bit must be set for the match to
be true. The - sign before the bit tells the
filter that the bit must be clear for the match to
be true.
Type +s for the filter press return and select the
Activate gadget for this filter. Hit the 'Use'
gadget. You should now only see the directory
entries that have the protection bit s set. My
prior listing now looks this way for the
"Tutorial:S" Directory Window:
DPat -s--rwed Shell-startup -s--rwed
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Source and Destination Commands 68
PCD -s--rwed SPat -s--rwed
As you can see, only the files that have the 's'
(Script) bit set are now listed.
Some of my files did not have the 'e' (Execute)
bit set. We can use this for an example of
selecting on un-set bits.
Reopen the filter requestor again and change the
protection filter to "-e" then select the 'Use'
gadget. You should now only see the directory
entries that have the protection bit 'e' un-set.
This is my list as a result of this:
BRUtab ----rw-d HDBackup.config ----rw-d
Ed-startup ----rw-d
Enter this for the next filter to test, "+rwed".
Press return on this string gadget once done. The
filter will expand to "+r +w +e +d". Now use it
as a protection filter. Again this is the list
that I have as a result:
DPat -s--rwed SPat -s--rwed
PCD -s--rwed Startup-sequence ----rwed
Shell-startup -s--rwed
The last example for protection filters we will
add "-s" to the last filter so that it now reads
"+r +w +e +d -s". This will be the results of
this filter:
Startup-sequence ----rwed
As you have seen, the protection filters are quite
versatile and allow a wide variety of ways to
select what to view.
Mixing Multiple Filters
Using multiple filters at one time can become very
confusing. (Trust me, I know!) You really can
not hurt anything with multiple filters and my
theory on the best way to understand them, is to
play with them.
Things can get really wild when you start mixing
filters. Then using the 'In' and 'Out' types
complicate things more. The only way to see this
in action is to play with it. Filters do not do
anything permanent to your directories. They only
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Source and Destination Commands 69
work on the internal list of MegaD and help MegaD
decide what to display and not display for you.
Remember the simple rules of In/Out filters while
you are doing this. The concept of filters are
unique. As far as I know MegaD is the only
directory utility that supports this concept on
the Amiga.
With multiple filters you may select files that
have the pattern match of MegaD#?.c and greater
than a certain date. I do this all the time for
back ups. A filter for this is set in this
Type filter In/Out Activated
Name MegaD#?.c In Yes
Date -29-05-92 00:00:00 Out Yes
This will show all MegaD#?.c files that are
greater than May 29, 1992, early morning. Notice
that the date is set with a negative (-) sign in
the front to select files older than the date
specified. The In/Out is set to Out. This way
all older files are removed from the list. The
following is an output from one of my source code
directories for MegaD.
This is before the above filter was used.
closeup 03-22-92 11:41:24 MegaDPrefs.h 05-27-92 08:12:51
LSE.DAT 03-22-92 11:41:24 MegaDHeader.h 05-27-92 08:15:35
makeProto 03-22-92 11:41:24 H 05-27-92 10:46:50
myoMegaD 03-22-92 11:41:26 MegaDSelWin.c 05-29-92 08:50:58
SASCOPTS 03-22-92 11:41:26 MegaDTools.c 05-29-92 09:04:30
Headerlist.c 04-26-92 05:56:59 MegaDPfFile.c 05-29-92 18:27:24
MegaDTools2.c 05-20-92 18:30:19 setup 05-31-92 05:46:39
MegaDControl.c 05-24-92 07:32:09 MegaDPf.h 05-31-92 06:50:10
Megaddir.c 05-26-92 09:55:37
This is after the above filter was used on the same
MegaDSelWin.c 05-29-92 08:50:58 MegaDPfFile.c 05-29-92
MegaDTools.c 05-29-92 09:04:30
NOTE:The date format for a filter must be DD-MM-YY
while my list are displayed MM-DD-YY.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Source and Destination Commands 70
This makes a relative mixed list into a very
precise list of items that I want to work with for
the moment. With a little practice MegaD filters
can become a very powerful tool for working with
large directories.
Global Filter
We have not talked about one of the gadgets found
in the filter requestor. It is the
'Set to all directories'.
Filters normally work only on the 'Dest'ination
Directory Window unless you select the 'Set to all
directories' gadget in the lower area of the
Filter requestor. This creates a global filter
that all MegaD Directory Windows will use until
the filter is removed with 'Filter -' or a new
filter is added to the system.
Each time you return to the Filter requestor, you
will find it in the same state as the last time,
when you selected the 'Use' gadget from it. MegaD
keeps this requestor set in this manner so that
you may quickly reset your last used filter to a
new Directory Window. MegaD stores a different
set of filters for the three function that use the
filter requestor. The three functions are,
'Filters +', 'Sel/Clr Patterns' and 'Find'.
Filter -
'Filter -' simply removes all active filters.
Unlike the 'Remove' gadget found in the filter
requestor, which removes filters from single
windows, 'Filter -' will remove any filter
attached to any window.
As mentioned earlier. 'Find', 'Sel Pattern' and
'Clr Pattern' all use the same requestor for
setup. Now that you have a good start on what
filters are to MegaD we can get in to the subtitle
different of 'Find', 'Sel Pattern' and 'Clr
'Find' will search through whole volumes or
selected directories searching for a file or
directory. A good reason for this is, you may
know the name of the file that you want, but you
can not seem to find it. Find will 'Go Deep' into
the selected volume or directories until the file
is found or the end of the search area is reached.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Source and Destination Commands 71
Find List Of Directory Items
Find will also make a list of found files that
match the selected criteria to a specific file
that you designate. This option lets you create
lists of like items found in more than one
directory. You could be looking for all files
that end with the .lha extension. If so you would
set a name filter "#?.lha" and fill in the "Path
and filename for items" string gadget found at the
bottom of the filter requestor for 'Find'. You
should supply a full path and name for this file
such as "Ram Disk:findList". If you just enter
"findList" the file will be created in the same
directory as MegaD. Once the directories are
searched and item/s were found to match the
filter, MegaD will load the created file and
display it in a Text Window.
Select By Pattern
This is a very simple function. 'Sel Pattern'
will search the current destination directory
window. When it finds a file (or directory) that
matches the pattern, MegaD will select (highlight)
that file/directory. The search will then
continue until all open windows have been
searched. 'Sel Pattern' also can work on all open
windows (rather than just the current destination
window). To enable this feature, merely select
the 'Set to all directories' gadget in the lower
area of the Filter requestor.
Clear By Pattern
'Clr Pattern' will clear or unselect items in open
Directory Window that match the patterns set in
the filter requestor. This works identically as
'Sel Pattern' except it clears the directory items
that match the filter.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
AutoBoots 72
AutoBoots are unique, their purpose is to let you
to train MegaD to work with types of data files
that it knows nothing about. MegaD only knows how
to handle a double click on four types of files
from default. They are:
1.Icon file (.info)
Emulates Workbench. If it is a project
icon it will look for a tool type. If
it is a drawer icon it will load the
directory into a Directory Window. If
it is a tool icon it will ask if you
want to run the program file associated
with it.
2.Text file.
It will attempt to load it and place it
into a Text Window.
3.Executable file.
It will bring up a Program Control
Window that can be set in a variety of
ways. This Program Control Window is an
integral part of AutoBoots, Menu Sets
and User gadgets. It allows you execute
an external program from within MegaD
and offers many options on just how it
should be done. This will be explained
during this discussion on AutoBoots.
(NEW 3.1)
ARexx Script.
It will bring up a Program Control
Window that can be set in a variety of
ways. For MegaD to recognize a file as
an ARexx Script, the file must have a
few characteristics that are common to
most ARexx scripts. For this to work
the filename must end with .arexx or
.rexx and the first non space characters
of the file must be "/*".
This is rather limiting when you consider the wide
variety of data files that are possible on the
Amiga. Just to name a few, Graphics, Sounds,
Music, Mod, Animations... To even attempt to list
all possible data files would be a major job, and
once the list was complete someone would write a
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
AutoBoots 73
new program that would create a new type of data
file making the list incomplete.
For this reason MegaD remains and will remain to
be a very naive program. It knows very little
about the outside world.
It is up to you to teach MegaD how it should react
when a data file is double clicked. This requires
you to know a little about your own system.
Know Your System
You need to be able to answer this question.
"What data files on your system work with what
programs on your system?" If you have a word
processor, what files did that word processor
create?. If you have a program that will display
or create graphic files, what graphic files can it
handle? If you have a program the will play a
sound file, what sound files can it handle?
Add AutoBoot Command
The facility that you use to teach it with is the
'Add AutoBoot' command. 'Add AutoBoot' requires
you to select one program file and at least Two
data files that the program file can handle. The
more data files that are selected the better
chance that MegaD will always make the correct
choice as to which program file to match it to
when the data file is double clicked.
I am going to base this piece of the tutorial on
an assumption, I am going to assume that you have
and have used Deluxe Paint IV. The program name
for this is DPaint and from here on out that is
the name that I will refer to it with. If you
don't have DPaint you will have to improvise and
use some other type of program that creates and
uses data files, just remember that all that is
really required to create an AutoBoot definition
is one program file and at least two data files
that the program file knows how to use.
Selecting The Executable
Open a Directory Window that contains the program
file DPaint and select it. Select the 'Lock'
gadget of this Directory Window, this will prevent
it from closing while we open another directory
that contains the data files.
Selecting The Data Files
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
AutoBoots 74
If your data files are stored with the program
file drag select some of them, if not, open a
Directory Window that contains the data files, and
drag select some of them.
Add AutoBoot Skips Icon Files
Do not worry about the icon files that may have
been selected with the data files, MegaD will
ignore them through the Add AutoBoot process.
Now select the 'ABoot Add' Command Gadget. This
gadget is located on the third (shifted) bank of
Command Gadget, fourth row, far Left. MegaD will
match the program file to the selected data files,
by matching common data found at the first of each
data file.
Possible Uses of File Extension
If common data can't be found yet each selected
data file had a common extension such as ".lha",
it will use the extension of the filenames to
match the files with.
If everything goes as planed, a Program Control
Window will open that will let you set MegaD to
run the program file and the specific actions for
MegaD to perform while it is running the program.
The next few pages may be difficult to comprehend;
however, I think I should introduce you to the
AutoBoot requestor before I continue leading you
through the DPaint AutoBoot setup. Meanwhile,
please bear with me.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Program Control Window 75
Program Control Window
Now that the Program Control Window is opened, we
can discuss all the settings and string gadgets
found in it. You will find this discussion useful
later on when we discuss Menu Sets, and User
Gadgets, they both use the Program Control Window
for part of their setup in the same way the
AutoBoots are set.
Anatomy Of The Program Control Window
The Program Control Window contained nine check
gadgets, Two cycle gadgets, six string gadgets and
two exit gadgets, Use and Cancel.
Check Gadgets
The check gadgets that have an '*' in front of the
title of the gadget has no control over an
AutoBoot definition during the double click of a
file. They can be set for later use. You will be
able to place a defined AutoBoot on one or more of
the keypad gadgets once it is defined
Skip selected directories
If checked, ignore selected directories in the
directory window during the call. Very few
programs can use a selected directory. Some
archiving program will compress all files and
recreate the directory once un-compressed.
Skip selected files
If checked, ignore selected files in the directory
window during the call. This is rarely checked.
Most programs that you set up will want selected
files to work on from open directory windows.
Work without selected items
If checked, MegaD will call the program even if
nothing is selected in the directory window during
the call. This is useful when creating a program
control that will call a program that does not use
a data file, such as a terminal program.
Skip .info files
If checked, ignore selected .info files in the
directory window during the call. Very few
programs work on icon files. Usually this will be
Combine all selected on one line
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Program Control Window 76
Some programs can accept multiple data files at
startup. MegaD launches programs in two basic
ways. CLI command line, or as a Workbench task.
This works closely with the cycle gadget below
that cycles though the different execute modes.
If checked:
And this is a
"Multitasking Workbench (NO I/0)" (see below) type
call. All selected items that get past
the above criteria will be sent to the
called program as a group of Workbench
arguments. Some programs do not deal
with multiple arguments and will ignore
all but the first argument and some
times even the first argument will be
And this is not a
"Multitasking Workbench (NO I/O)" the selected
information will be assembled into a CLI
(Command Line Interface) command. A CLI
command can be about 255 characters
long. If all the selected items can not
be place into one line, MegaD will
create extra lines and recall the
program until all selected items have
been fed to the program. (See Command
Lines and Program control below for more
Combine all selected on one line (continued)
If not checked:
And this is a
"Multitasking Workbench (NO I/0)" type call. All
selected items that get past the above
criteria will be fed to the called
program one at a time. Each time the
called program returns, the program will
be re-called and given the next selected
item. This mode has a high overhead
because the program must be reloaded for
each call.
And this is not a
"Multitasking Workbench (NO I/O)" the selected
information will be assembled into a CLI
(Command Line Interface) command. MegaD
will create a command line for each
selected item and recall the program
until all selected items have been fed
to the program.
Workbench screen to front at start
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Program Control Window 77
If checked, MegaD will move the Workbench screen
to the front position among all other screens
running on the system at the same time MegaD
launches the program.
MegaD screen to front at end
If checked, MegaD will move the MegaD screen to
the front position among all other screens running
on the system after the launched program ends.
Reload current directory at end
If checked, MegaD will require that at least one
destination window is available on the screen.
Once the called program returns, MegaD will reload
the current directory and re-display the
information in this destination window. If the
destination window was closed during the process
it will be reopened.
Forced Destination
'Reload current directory at end' also forces the
destination window to become the Current Directory
for the called program. This is useful for
programs that unarchive information to such
If 'Reload current directory at end' is not check
the called program is given its own home directory
as its current directory, and no directory is
reloaded once the launched program finishes.
Query for destination filename
If checked, MegaD will require that at least one
destination window is available on the screen.
MegaD will then open a requestor for you to input
the filename to be used in this directory. This
is useful for a program that requires a
destination file name such as archivers. (See:
Command Lines and Program control below for more
(NEW 3.1)
Warn before launch
If checked, MegaD will open a requestor that
Program Control
<Program Control name>
By answering Yes to this requestor, MegaD will
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Program Control Window 78
launch the Program Control. Answering No will
abort the launch.
This is useful for potentially dangerous Program
Controls, ones that could change, modify or even
remove files from you system.
(NEW 3.1)
Query for 'Flags to add'
Access through the 'More...' gadget. This will
open a window that will allow you to fill in the
information for the 'Flags to add' string of the
Program Control before launching the program.
(NEW 3.1)
Query for 'Text to append'
Access through the 'More...' gadget. This will
open a window that will allow you to fill in the
information for the 'Flags to add' string of the
Program Control before launching the program.
Screen control Cycle gadget
The Screen control only effects which screen the
console window is placed for Non- Workbench
executed programs.
Place Program on Workbench Screen
Place the console window for the program on
Workbench screen.
Place Program on MegaD Screen
Place the console window for the program on MegaD
Execute type cycle gadget
Multitasking execute
MegaD spawns a simple task to control the called
program. This task executes the command line or
lines that were created by the program control.
If more than one command line was created for this
call it will continue executing each line until
the job is completed.
Multitasking Execute W/Hold
MegaD spawns a simple task to control the called
program. This task executes the command line or
lines that were created by the program control.
If more than one command line was created for this
call the task will wait for a return or the input
of the letter 'Q' for quit. If the letter 'Q' is
not entered it will continue calling each line
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Program Control Window 79
until the job is completed.
Multitasking Workbench (NO I/0)
MegaD spawns the program as a Workbench task. No
command line is created. Only Workbench arguments
are passed to the called program. Input and Output
channels are not supplied, so DO NOT use this call
with programs that are CLI type programs. The
best way to know if this will work is if the
program that you are setting up has an icon file
Program Control Window, String Gadgets.
Please See: Command Lines and Program control
below for more information about how the strings
are assembled for a command line.
Title String Gadget
You define a unique title for each program
control. This title should be one that will
remind yourself what the program control function
is and will do. This title must be unique from
all other program controls titles. Though the
room for the title is large, it is best to keep
them to 12 characters or less. This way the title
will be completely visible if the program control
is attach to a keypad gadget.
Path and Program Name String Gadget
This should contain the complete path and filename
of the executable file for this Program Control.
It can be verified by the "Verify Title &
Path/name" gadget at the top of the window.
(NEW 3.1)
You will see a small folder gadget to the right of
this string gadget. By selecting this gadget the
ASL file requestor will open. You will be able to
select the program from this requestor. After
doing so the correct path and filename will be
filled into the string gadget.
Flags to add after Program Name
If the program uses special information to tell
what to do, usually in the form of flags [-f -a].
This is usually the best place for them.
Text to append to end of command line
After the command line is fully assembled, this
information is added to the end.
Redirect Output to a file or device
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Program Control Window 80
If you under stand AmigaDOS redirection this is
the output filename for the redirection. A very
common one is PRT: to force the output information
to be sent to the printer.
Accept Input From a file or device
This is a very rare case and unless you are very
sure of what you are doing you should not use
this. What happens is this. If the called
program requires any information from the console
window it will instead be given what ever
information is found in the input file. Both
types of redirection are complex issues and if you
need more information consult your AmigaDOS
(NEW 3.1)
Console window string
If you want to define the size of the console
window that will open for 'Execute' type program
you will use this string gadget.
This is only the
first part of the CON: string!,
v"z you only fill in
the CON:x/y/w/h section of the string. To the
right of this string gadget you will see a small
gadget that if selected will open a sizeable
window that you can move, size and close. after
closing the window the Console window string will
be filled in with the correct string to recreate
the window that was just sized and closed. This
is the preferred way to create the string. There
is now error checking to see if the string is
correct and will open a Console window for the
Executed program.
(NEW 3.1)
Stack size
This will allow you to enter a predetermined stack
size to use when the program is launched. Any
value below 4000 will be ignored and the program
will be launched with a 4000 stack size.
Command Lines and Program Controls
Working with AmigaDOS and CLI command lines some
times requires that full sentences be created to
tell the program that is to be called what to do.
A very common type of a command that might be used
would be this line.
LhArc a "Ram Disk:archive" "My Disk:My Data File"
This line would call the program LhArc with the
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Program Control Window 81
flag of 'a' and two filenames following. When
MegaD creates this line for you it does a couple
of other things to it. It also adds standard
redirection symbols to it so that the program can
work in a supplied console window. When MegaD
creates this line it looks like this.
LhArc >* <* a "Ram Disk:archive" "My Disk:My Data File"
MegaD uses all the information in the string
gadgets of the program control and possibly
information from selected files in directory
window to piece together the command line.
The information is patched together with spaces
between the information in this order.
[Path and Program Name]
>[Redirect Output to a file or device]
<[Accept Input From a file or device]
[Flags to add after Program Name]
[Query for destination filename]
[complete filenames of selected files]
[Text to append to the end of the Command Line]
Sorry I had to put you through all of that, But
all of it needed to be explained. I will take you
through setting up Program Control in a number of
different ways. If you can remember we started
this discussion by starting to set up an AutoBoot
Program Control for DPaint, that Program Control
Window should still be open at the moment. We
will move back to setting the DPaint AutoBoot up.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Back To Adding Auto Boots 82
Back To Adding Auto Boots
Setting AutoBoots As Command Gadgets
You could select 'Use' at this point and the
AutoBoot would be ready to use. We will define
this Program Control to the attributes that best
suite DPaint. One of the things about this, is
the AutoBoot can later be attached to one of the
keypad gadgets so you could select a graphic file
from a MegaD Directory Window and then select the
DPaint keypad gadget. This action would launch
DPaint and load the selected graphic file. I
always set the AutoBoot Program Control up so that
if I want they can be added to a keypad. We will
go though the steps to do so.
As you will see, the best way to set up a Program
Control is to ask yourself "Do I need this
attribute to run this program?"
The first question you should answer right now is
"How should I run this program?" As a Workbench
task or as an executed CLI command line? And if
it is an executed CLI command line, should the
console window that it is run from, wait for a
return to close. DPaint will run from the
Workbench. We know this because it has a .info
icon file that is used with the Workbench.
Using the Workbench to launch a program has the
lowest overhead, or put another way, it uses less
Set the execute type gadget to "Multitasking
Workbench (NO I/O)" You will notice that the two
bottom check gadgets are ghosted, also the last
four string gadgets have become ghosted. These
attributes can not be used with the Workbench.
The next question is "Will DPaint work with a
directory as a tool? The answer is no. You can
not give DPaint a directory as a workbench
argument and have it know what to do with it. So
you will check the "Skip selected directories."
Will DPaint work with a file? Yes, it will load
most any IFF graphic file. We will not check the
"Skip selected files" attribute.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Back To Adding Auto Boots 83
Will DPaint work without any data files. Yes, you
can start up DPaint without a file and start
working within DPaint from scratch. We will check
the "Work without selected items" attribute.
Will DPaint use an .info icon file? No, it will
not know what to do with it. We will check the
"Skip .info files" attribute
Will DPaint work on multiple data files at one
time. Unfortunately it will not. If you send
DPaint more than one Workbench argument it will
ignore all but the first one. This means if you
were to drag select a group of graphics files and
launch DPaint with this attribute set it will load
the first selected item and ignore all the others.
We will not select the "Combine all selected on
one line" attribute.
Will DPaint open on the Workbench screen? No,
DPaint will open its own screen, and being so, we
will not need to shuffle the screens around to see
the program. We will not check the "Workbench
screen to front at start" And for the same reason
will not check the "MegaD screen to front at end"
Now look over to the right side of the window.
The top two string gadgets are the only ones we
can enter information into and they are both
filled. The Title has "DPaint" in it. Path and
Program name has the full path and name that you
would use to find and run this program. This is
my path for it:
yours will be different to match the way DPaint is
accessed on your system. Both are filled in
properly and we can leave them as they are.
Now that we have everything set, select the 'Use'
gadget. You should receive a message reading:
This AutoBoot has been added
To keep, use Save Preferences
press 'Continue'. The AutoBoot is now available
for use on your system.
Using an AutoBoot
To use the AutoBoot, all you will need to do is
double click a file that it has been trained to
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Back To Adding Auto Boots 84
recognize. DPaint will be launched and the double
clicked file will be loaded by DPaint. Test this
out and then quit DPaint so that we can go on to
the next feature of using AutoBoots.
Just as a reminder, there is a menu item in the
Option menu that will disable this feature of
MegaD. It is the Option, Activate AutoBoot. If
you uncheck this, the testing of double click of
files for data type will be deactivated.
Using an AutoBoot As A Command Gadget
We have prepared this AutoBoot so that it can be
attached to the keypad. Lets do this now. This
task is quite simple to perform. In the Project
menu you will find the menu item Keypads...
Select this item.
Set Keypads Window
A window will open that is for attaching commands
to the keypad gadgets. The upper area has 42
gadgets in a 6 X 7 grid. This set of gadget are
the source gadgets. They are where you will get
the commands that you want to place in your
Destination Gadgets
The keypad gadgets are in the lower area of this
window aligned to the right side of the window.
The keypad gadget area is the destination area of
this window.
Any one gadget in each area can be selected. As
soon as one gadget is selected in both areas the
keypad gadget will change to the selected source
You will find two cycle gadgets, One is for pages
of source information, the other is to select the
type of source information to transfer or to work
on. The types to work on are Built-in, Menu Sets,
AutoBoots and User Gadgets.
Below this set of cycle gadgets are gadgets
labeled Add, Delete, Modify. By selecting a Menu
Set, AutoBoot, or User Gadget and then selecting
the Modify gadget you can edit how a program
control will function. By selecting a keypad
gadget and then modify, you can change the title
and color of the keypad gadget.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Back To Adding Auto Boots 85
You will need to cycle the source type to
AutoBoots. Once doing so you will see the
'DPaint" AutoBoot that we just created. Select
the 'A' 'Shift gadget' on the keypad. This will
position it to a completely blank bank of Command
Gadgets. Select the upper right keypad gadget, it
will stay selected after you move the mouse away
from it. Select the source gadget 'DPaint', the
information will be copied to the selected keypad
Now select the 'Use' gadget. The Set Keypad
window will close. Now select the 'A' gadget in
the Control Window to shift the Command Gadget to
the fourth bank. You will find the 'DPaint'
gadget you just place there. Be sure that no
Directory Window items are selected and select the
'DPaint' Command Gadgets. DPaint will be
launched without a data file to load, (this is why
we made sure that none of the Directory Window had
selected items in them.) After doing this, Quit
DPaint. Now select a data file in a Directory
Window that you know will work with DPaint, then
select the 'DPaint' Command Gadget again. DPaint
will be launched and this time it will have a data
file to load and display.
I took you on a number of detours to explain how
to add an AutoBoot to MegaD. We will add a few
more AutoBoots, the first one will work on the
same types of graphic data files. I am going to
demonstrate how MegaD handles situations where
multiple AutoBoots are created for the same type
of data file. The other one will work with an
archiving utility that needs a console window.
There are many programs out there that will
display graphic files on the Amiga. They do not
include editing functions or ways to modify the
graphic file and save it, they are usually fairly
small, this gives them the plus that they can be
loaded quicker to preview a graphic file than a
full blown paint utility. A very good graphic
viewer comes with the new 2.0 operating system.
This program is named "Display" and you can find
it in the utilities drawer of the Workbench. If
your not using 2.0 and do not have Display then
you will have to find another utility that will
work on your system that will display graphics
files. A very good choice for this is "Mostra" by
Sebastiano Vigna.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Back To Adding Auto Boots 86
Ether program that you use, you should be familiar
with it before running it. If you have never used
"Display" or "Mostra", you should read the
documentation that comes with them, before
creating AutoBoots to work with them. This holds
true for any program that you wish to run, if it
be from within MegaD or from the Workbench or from
the CLI.
Save Your Work
As you have seen, MegaD will remind you after a
new AutoBoot definition is created, to save your
preference file. The reason, so you will not lose
your work. Creating an AutoBoot is a risky
business. It is possible that you may define an
AutoBoot to use the Workbench type execute, only
to find that when you test it out, it crashes
because the program needed input and output
channels. It is possible that the program is not
compatible with the way MegaD launches programs,
though I have yet to find one, I sure they exist.
For these reason, save your preferences file with
the 'Project, Save Preferences' menu or the
Command Gadget, 'Save Preferences'.
The previous paragraph hold true for the rest of
the Tutorial. Until now, we have worked with the
default settings of MegaD. We are now modifying
MegaD to our needs and wants. All the changes
that we have done and all the changes the we will
do later can be saved, and should be.
Select "Display" in the Utilities Directory Window
and lock that window so that it will not close.
Open the Directory Window to the same graphic
files that you used to set the AutoBoot for DPaint
and select some of the graphic files. Select the
'ABoot Add' Command Gadgets. The Program Control
Window will open. Perform the next few settings.
1. Check Skip selected directories.
2. Check Skip .info files
3. Check Combine all selected on one line
4. Cycle Execute type to Workbench (NO I/O)
Note: This is all that needed to be done to set up
ether Mostra or Display. If you're not sure why
we set the attributes this way look back at the
text that describe the attributes of Program
Controls for your answers.
5. Select the 'Use' gadget.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Back To Adding Auto Boots 87
Multiple AutoBoot Window
Now double click one of the graphic files, A
Multiple AutoBoots window will open. It will give
you the choice of which program to use with this
double clicked data file. Two of the twenty
gadgets in this window displays the possible
choices for programs that can be used with this
file, Display and DPaint. Select the Display
gadget. The double clicked file will be handed to
the Display program as a Workbench argument, in
turn it will load the graphic file and display it.
Add Display Command Gadget
Select the Keypads menu item in the Project menu.
Add this AutoBoot to the Keypad. Remember the
Fourth (Alt) bank is mostly empty, this will be a
common bank to add commands while your getting
used to MegaD. Add the Display AutoBoot to any of
the blank keypad gadgets. Once done select the
'Use' gadget.
Remember that we selected the 'Combine all
selected on one line' attribute for the Display
AutoBoot. Now that it is attached to a keypad
gadget we can test this feature of the Program
Control. Select a few of the graphic files in a
Directory Window and then select the new 'Display'
keypad command. Display will load and run, it
will load each of the graphic files one at a time
for you to see them. By pressing the Space Bar
the program Display will switch to the next
selected graphic.
Lets move on to the next and final AutoBoot that
we will add. You will need to have one of many
archiving programs available for the Amiga
computer. Archiving programs are used to compress
a file or a group of files for storage or
transmission over telecommunication lines. Two
very popular programs of this type are LhArc and
LHA. You will also need to have a few files that
have been created with the archiving programs.
These files usually end with an extension. LhArc
files end with .lzh and lha files end with .lha.
Adding Archive List Command
Open a Directory Window that has the archiving
program and select it and 'Lock" the window. Open
a window that has some of the data files that
match the archiving program, remember that you
need at least two data files selected for Add
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Back To Adding Auto Boots 88
AutoBoot. After doing so select the 'ABoot Add'
Command Gadgets. MegaD will look though the
selected files for common data, the common data it
will find will be the data files all have the same
extension. It will open a request window that
will read:
Use extension
to match data file to executable?
Answer yes to this requestor.
The Program Control Window will open so that you
can set up this AutoBoot. We want this one to
list the contents of the archive file to a console
window and it should hold the console window open
until we are done reading it. Here are the
attributes that we will set:
1. Check Skip selected directories
2. Check Skip .info files
3. Set execute to 'Multitasking Execute W/Hold"
4. Add " list" behind the title so that it will
be more descriptive of its task. It could read
"lha List" or "LhArc List".
5. Type a lower case 'l' in the 'Flags to add
after Program Name' string gadget. This flag tell
LhArc and lha to list the contents of the archive
6. Select the 'Use' gadget.
You can now double click any of the archive files
that was created with the archiving program and
the contents will be listed into a console window.
The window will wait for a return key press to
We are the teachers
To summarize what has just happened, we have
taught MegaD how to handle graphic and archived
files. An ability that it does not have on it's
own. By training MegaD on what program to call
for certain types of data files we have made MegaD
a little more useful while navigating around our
file systems. We have also added the AutoBoots to
keypad gadgets so that new commands are available
to work on selected items in Directory Windows.
We can even set keypad gadgets so that we can call
our favorite programs making MegaD a very powerful
tool manager.
Now that we have created a few AutoBoots we can
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Back To Adding Auto Boots 89
discuss how to select and clear items in open
Directory Windows with "Sel ABoot" and 'Clr
ABoot'. This is a unique feature of MegaD,
instead of selecting files by name or file
attributes you select it by the actual contents of
the file. This has a very high overhead when you
use it, MegaD reads the first few bytes of each
file found in each open Directory Window to decide
if the file will match the AutoBoot. At times it
may be the only way you can tell a word processor
file from a text file in a mixed directory.
You could use this function of MegaD to clean up a
directory of mixed items. Select the files by the
AutoBoot criteria and then move all of those files
to a specific directory that is to be dedicated to
only those types of files. It becomes a very
powerful reorganization tool.
Open one Directory Window that has some data files
of the same type that was used to create an
Remember, MegaD will look into all open Directory
Window so it is best to have only the Directory
Window open that you want this to happen in.
Select the "Sel ABoot" Command Gadget that is
found on the first bank of the Command Gadget,
third row, far right. MegaD will open a window
with all the available AutoBoot definitions that
have been created thus far.
Select/Clear AutoBoot Window
This window functions much like a Directory
Window, you can single select or drag select
AutoBoot definitions. You can test by multiple
AutoBoots, but for our purpose we will select by
only one. Once you have selected the AutoBoot
that you want to test the files by, close the
window by using the window close gadget of this
MegaD will read the first few bytes of each files
and if the file is of the same type the AutoBoot
was trained to recognize it will select the item.
"Clr ABoot" will work exactly the same only it
will clear the data files that matches the
AutoBoot selected for the function.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
User Gadgets 90
User Gadgets
User Gadgets are program controls, much like
AutoBoots, that you define so that you can launch
other programs from keypad command gadgets.
You've seen what it takes to add an AutoBoot to
MegaD and then attach it to a keypad gadgets.
Why User Gadgets?
The advantage of User Gadgets is that you do not
need to have data files to create them. Take
JrComm, a very popular telecommunication program,
it does not have to have a data file to run.
JrComm would be a good program to attach to the
keypad for quick access while MegaD is running.
I am assuming that you made it through the Add
AutoBoots and that you were able to successfully
add the AutoBoots to your Keypad Command Gadget.
Unless a User Gadget is accessible from the
keypad, it is useless
I will be adding JrComm to my keypad, you may add
JrComm if you have it, or any other program that
you would like to have quick access to. MegaD
will launch any program you want it too. Simply
use the program you wish to attach in place of my
references to JrComm.
Adding User Gadgets
User Gadgets are added by selecting the menu item
Project, Set Preference... and then selecting
'Keypads...' The Set Keypads window will open.
Cycle the command type gadget to "User Gadgets".
The Add gadget will become un-ghosted. Select
this gadget, the window will change to "User
Gadget, Program Control".
User Gadget Program Control
This window should be very familiar to you. We
will set this up to launch a program that will
ignore all selected items in the directory windows
and launch the program found in the "Path and
Program name" string gadget. Take the following
1. Check 'Skip selected directories'
2. Check 'Skip selected files'
3. Check 'Work without select items'
4. Check 'Skip .info files'
5. Set execute type to "Multitasking Workbench
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
User Gadgets 91
(NO I/O)"
Note: if the program you are setting up requires
input and output channels (CLI type), set this to
"Multitasking Execute". You will crash the system
launching a CLI program as a Workbench task.
6. Enter "JrComm" into the Title string gadget
7. Enter "JrComm:Jr-Comm" into the Path and
program name string gadget. You will have to know
the full path to the program you are adding as a
User Gadget.
Verify Title And Path/Name
There is a gadget that we have not discussed yet.
It is found in the upper right hand corner of the
program Control Window. The "Verify Title &
Path/name" gadget is for testing the Title to be
sure that it is unique from all other Program
Control titles. And for making sure that the Path
and Program name was entered correctly. Select
this gadget once, If errors are found you will be
notified by a message window describing the
problems. If no problems are found you will
receive the message:
"Title & Path/name are good"
If any errors were found, correct them and re-test
the verify. When your information Verifies select
the 'Use' gadget. You will be returned to the Set
Keypad window.
Find the new User Gadget JrComm in the source area
and copy it to one of the keypad gadgets,
preferably a blank one. Now select the 'Use'
gadget of the Set Keypads window.
You will now be able to launch the program from
the keypad Command Gadget in the Control Window.
Select this to see if it works properly. JrComm
should start and run from the selection of that
command gadget.
Current Directories
The next User Gadget that we will add is going to
be useless other than it will demonstrate a
feature of MegaD Program Control that is not
readily apparent. This works with the Reload
current directory at end attribute. This
attribute does two things. One, as it describes,
after ending it reloads the directory that was
active at the time the program was run. Two, it
forces the Active Directory of MegaD to become the
launched program current directory. The Active
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
User Gadgets 92
Directory of MegaD is listed in the text area of
the Control Window.
Another Reason to Switch to Workbench 2.0
A note to Workbench 1.3 users. This feature does
not work correctly, In fact it does not work at
all. The current directory usually becomes the
boot disk. I have no plans to make this work
under 1.3. If you're not Using 2.0 yet you should
be. It is well worth the upgrade fee.
When You Need A Current Directory
At what times would you want a directory to become
the current directory? Any time you have a
program that creates a file that will be written
to the current directory. Archive programs are
known for this feature, before archiving a set of
files, you should always CD (change directory) to
the directory that you wish the archive to be
created in. MegaD does this automatically for you
when you use the Reload current directory at end
A program that will help show this in action is
the "Dir" command found in your C: directory. Dir
will list the current directory if it is entered
on a CLI without any arguments. The current
directory will be listed in the CLI window. Lets
create a User Gadget that will do this for us.
Dir User Gadget
Select the 'Project, Set Preference...' and then
selecting 'Keypads...' gadget. Cycle command type
to 'User Gadgets' and select the Add gadget. The
Program Control Window will open so that a new
User Gadget can be created. Set the following
1. Check 'Skip selected files'
2. Check 'Work without selected items'
3. Check 'Skip .info files'
4. Check 'Reload current directory at end'
5. Cycle Execute type to 'Multitasking Execute
W/Hold'. (Dir needs input and output channels.)
6. Enter "Dir" into the Title string gadget.
7. Enter "C:Dir" into the Path and Program Name
string gadget.
8. Verify the Title, Path and Program name.
9. Select Use.
The Set Keypad window will reopen. You will now
be able to copy the new 'Dir' User Gadget to one
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
User Gadgets 93
of your keypads gadgets. Once copied, select the
'Use' gadget and the Set Keypads window will
Testing the Reload Current Directory
You will now be able to access the new 'Dir'
command from your Keypad Command Gadgets. Open a
Directory Window to a directory that has a few
items visible in it, the 'Dest'ination gadget
should be auto selected. Select the new 'Dir'
Command Gadgets. A console window will open, the
directory will be read and listed into the console
window as if you had CD to that directory in a CLI
window and then typed "Dir". Press the return key
to close this console window.
Open a few other Directory Window and test the
'Dir' command as new 'Dest'ination Directories are
selected. Each time the launched program will be
given the MegaD Active Directory as its current
Modify or Delete Program Controls
As mentioned, this is a useless command. MegaD is
already displaying the directory and a list in a
console window is of very little use. There is a
way to modify or delete User Gadget. Select the
menu item 'Project, Set Preference...' and then
select 'Keypads...' again. If the command type is
not set to User Gadgets, cycle it to it. You will
be able to select the 'Dir' User Gadget that you
have just created. Select it and then select the
'Modify' gadget found in the lower left spot of
the Set Keypad window. If you wanted you could
modify this Program Control. I just brought you
to this point so that you can see how to modify a
Program Control when it is needed. You can modify
all the different types of Program Control from
the Set Keypad window, this is one of its major
functions. You can access Auto Boots, User
Gadgets and Menu Sets from this point.
Select the Cancel gadget. We are going to delete
the 'Dir' User Gadget. Select the 'Dir' User
Gadget in the source area, then select the
'Delete' gadget found just above the 'Modify'
gadget in the lower left section of the window. A
requestor will open that reads:
Cancel will not restore
deleted program controls
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
User Gadgets 94
This is warning you that there will be no way to
retrieve this Program Control later. Select Yes
and the User Gadget 'Dir' will disappear from both
the Source area and the place that it was copied
to your keypad Command Gadgets.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
ARexx Gadgets 95
ARexx Gadgets
(NEW 3.1)
ARexx is a very powerful programing language
written by William Hawes, it was adapted from the
REXX programming language. Starting with OS 2.0
ARexx has been part of the operating system for
the Amiga.
There is a number of good texts to help you
understand more about ARexx.
The official REXX language definition is
completely documented a book by M. F. Cowlishaw,
"The REXX Language: A Practical Approach to
Programming" (Prentice-HAll, 1985; 2nd edition,
One of the best books that I have found for ARexx
on the Amiga is one by Chris Zamara and Nick
Sullivan, "Using ARexx on the Amiga: Guide to
using the ARexx programming language" (Abacus,
1991; 1st edition)
This text is not intended to teach you ARexx. The
MegaD ARexx commands are fully described in the
document MDARexx.doc. There are 119 commands that
you can use to communicate to MegaD with though
the ARexx port "MEGAD". If you are new to ARexx
and wish to to use the ARexx port of MegaD, I
suggest that you start from the basics of ARexx by
reading one of the above text or many other that
are available.
This text is intended to show you how to call
ARexx programs from MegaD. This is done with
ARexx Program Controls. An ARexx Program Control
is created in the same way that you created "User
Creating ARexx Program Controls
User Gadgets are added by selecting the menu item
'Project, Set Preference...' and then select
'Keypads...' The Set Keypads window will open.
Cycle the command type gadget to "User Gadgets".
The Add gadget will become un-ghosted. Select
this gadget, the window will change to "User
Gadget, Program Control".
With MegaD a special directory is supplied called
'rexx.' A number of ARexx programs that are
intended to work with MegaD can be found there.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
ARexx Gadgets 96
The directory 'rexx' should be in the same
directory that MegaD was run from, if not you will
have to modify the 'Path' of the 'ARexx Program
Control' to the correct directory that contains
the ARexx programs we will be referring to.
This is a simple ARexx program that will open an
output window on the MegaD screen and then display
the arguments that were used to start the ARexx
program with. The program is useless as it stands
but it lays the ground work for you, the user, to
create programs that will deal with the arguments
sent. By changing the line that has the 'SAY'
command in this file to something that performs a
useful action to the supplied argument, only then
will this be a useful ARexx program.
Check the 'Combine all selected on one line' flag.
This is so we can send multiple selected items to
the ARexx program.
In the 'Title' string gadget enter 'Parse'.
In the 'Path and Program name' enter
'rexx/Parse.rexx'. After doing so, select the
'Verify Title & Path/name' gadget to verify the
path, correct any errors that verify may find.
You should notice that the a number of gadgets are
ghosted. These options are not available to ARexx
program controls.
Select 'Use'.
You will now be able to select the 'Parse' ARexx
source gadget in the keypad window and copy it to
one of your blank keypad gadgets. Do so now.
Select 'Use' in the Set Keypad window and then
select 'Use' from the 'MegaD Set Preferences'
Your new 'Parse' ARexx gadget is now available
from your keypad. Open any directory window and
select a few items in the directory window. Now
select the new 'Parse' gadget from your keypad.
An output window will open to the MegaD screen and
it will display each item with the path that was
selected. Should more items be selected than
would fit on one command line, 'Parse.rexx' will
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
ARexx Gadgets 97
be called repeatedly until all selected items have
been passed to the program.
When ARexx is started from MegaD, there are not
output or input channels for ARexx to use. The
first few lines of the ARexx program 'Parse.rexx'
open an output channel that also places the window
on the same screen as MegaD. Without the two
lines the have the 'CLOSE' and 'OPEN' commands,
all output from the ARexx program would be unseen.
As stated before, 'Parse.rexx' is useless and only
for demonstration. But it does create the ground
work for a number useful possibilities.
A word or warning:
When executing scrips that use the MEGAD
port it is best not to try to use MegaD
until the script has run its coarse. An
example of this is:
A scripts opens a window and
selects a few items in that
window, you physically select
a few more items. Now, the
ARexx script ask for the
selected items. It gets the
original selected items and
the items you have selected
with the mouse. The outcome
could be disastrous!
ARexx programs launched from MegaD can be for any
program, not just MegaD. You may call your
favorite scripts with 'ARexx Gadgets' or 'Hot
Getting output from ARexx programs
When an ARexx program is run from MegaD is not an
output window for commands that print text,
command such as SAY. By adding the next two lines
to scripts which require a window to print the
information this problem is solved.
call close 'STDOUT'
call open 'STDOUT','con:0/12/640/100/MegaD RX/SCREEN MEGAD', 'W'
The '/SCREEN MEGAD' section of the console line
will place the console window on the current MegaD
screen if it is open.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Menu Sets 98
Menu Sets
Menu sets are user defined menus. You access them
in the 'Utilities' menu. They take up the first
five items in this menu. For this reason they are
setup in groups of five. A user defined menu can
do anything that a User Gadget can do. The only
real difference is that you access it from the
menu instead of the Control Window.
Predefined Menu Sets
There are three predefined menu sets that come at
default. They are Lha, Arc and LhArc.
To access the Menu Set you can use the menu
'Project, Set Preference...' and then select
'Menus & Devices...'. We were in this window once
before to set the Device Gadgets up. We will be
concentrating on the upper area this time, it is
dedicated to the Menu Sets. You will see that the
five menus of a Menu Set are grouped line by line.
Each line is titled Menu 1 through Menu 5. To the
far right of each line is a gadget titled
Control..., select any one of these gadgets.
Menu Set Program Control
This window should be getting fairly familiar by
now, The Program Control Window. When modifying a
Menu Set, it is best to do it from within the
Program Control Window. Only a few of the
attributes can be changed by the four string
gadgets that were in the previous window. The
four are "Title", "Path and Program name", "Flags
to add after Program Name" and Text to append to
end of Command Line". Select the Cancel gadget
and we will return to the Preferences window.
Selecting Menu Sets
The first three gadget at the top of the window
are titled 'Lha', 'Arc' and 'LhArc'. As you can
see the default Menu Sets have been set up to work
with archiving programs. 'Arc' is rather outdated
but 'LhArc' and 'Lha' are still very widely used
programs. Select the three gadgets one at a time
and watch what they do. They change the
information to the corresponding default menu set.
Next/Previous Step Gadgets
Just to the right of those three gadget you will
find two that will allow you to step through the
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Menu Sets 99
Menu Sets one after the other forward or backward.
Play with the 'Next' and the 'Prev' gadgets
watching how they control the information that you
can change and modify.
Add, Delete Menu Set Gadgets
Finally the last two gadgets are for adding new
Menu Sets. The first three default sets can not
be deleted but the can be modified to anything you
would like them to be.
There is a new and popular archiving utility
available now that is in wide use in the Amiga
community. It is LhA. LhA is written by Stefan
Boberg and is a Shareware offering that can be
found on most BBS (Built-in Board Systems). I
will be showing you how to set LhA as a newly
Added Menu Sets.
Adding A Menu Set
Select the 'Add' gadget of the Preferences window,
a requestor will be opened that reads:
You will need to successfully
define all five menu Sets
This is to remind you that you will need to create
all five menus that create one Menu Sets. Select
Yes, All the string gadgets will be cleared and
ready for new information.
Creating A New Menu Set
As mentioned it is best to create the Menu Sets
from within the Program Control Window. Select
the 'Control...' gadget for Menu 1. The Program
Control Window will open.
Making A Pack Menu
We are going to set this Menu Sets so that we can
archive selected files into a single file that
will be written to the current Active Window of
MegaD. Set the following attributes:
1. Check 'Combine all selected on one line'
2. Check 'Reload current directory at end'
(remember that this CDs to the Active Directory)
3. Check 'Query for destination filename' This
attribute tell MegaD to open a request window for
a file name. the filename will be for the name to
create the archive file as.
4. Set execute type to 'Multitasking Execute'
5. Enter "LhA Pack" into the Title String
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Menu Sets 100
6. Enter "C:LhA" into the Path and Program name
string gadget. This assumes that your LhA utility
is found in your C: directory.
7. Enter "a" into the Flags to add after Program
Name string gadget. This flag tell LhA to add
files to the Archive file.
8. Test the information by selecting the
Verify.. gadget at the top of the window. If the
Path or title needs to be changed, do so.
9. Select the 'Use' gadget.
You will see the information that you have entered
in the first line for Menu 1.
Making an UnPack Menu Set
We will set Menu 2 to unpack the archive. Select
the 'Control...' gadget for Menu 2 and set it in
the following manner:
1. Check 'Skip selected directories'
2. Check 'Skip .info files'
3. Check 'Reload current directory at end'
4. Be sure execute type is Multitasking Execute
5. Enter "LhA UnPack" in the Title string
6. Enter "C:LhA" in the Path and program name.
7. Enter "e" into the Flags to add after Program
Name string gadget. This tell LhA to extract the
files from the selected archives.
8. Verify the Title, Path and Program name.
9. Select the 'Use' gadget.
We now have two of the five done to create one
full Menu Sets.
Making A List Menu
Menu 3 will be set to list an archive file.
Select the "Control..." gadget for Menu 3 and set
the Program Control to:
1. Check 'Skip selected directories'
2. Check 'Skip .info files'
3. Be sure execute type is 'Multitasking Execute
4. Enter "LhA List" into the Title string
5. Enter "C:LhA" into the Path and Program name
string gadget.
6. Enter "l" into the Flags to add after Program
Name string gadget. This tell LhA to list the
selected archive files.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Menu Sets 101
7. Verify the Title, Path and program name.
8. Select Use.
Three Menu Sets down and two to go.
Making A Test Menu
The next Menu Sets we will set will test the
validity of an archive file. Select the
"Control..." gadget for Menu 4 and set the Program
Control in the following way:
1. Check 'Skip selected directories'
2. Check 'Skip .info files'
3. Set execute type to 'Multitasking Execute
4. Enter "LhA Test" into the Title string
5. Enter "C:LhA" into the Path and Program name
string Gadget.
6. Enter "t" into the Flags to add after Program
7. Verify the Title and Path/name.
8. Select the "Use" Gadget.
Four down one and the last to go.
Making A Recursive Menu
We will add a command that will allow us to
archive directories and all of its contents, this
will include sub directories and files. Select
the "Control..." gadget for Menu 5 and fill the
Program Control in with the following attributes:
1. Check 'Reload current directory at end'
2. Check 'Query for destination filename'
3. Set execute type to 'Multitasking Execute'
4. Enter "LhA Recursive" into the Title string
5. Enter "C:LhA" into the Path and Program name
string gadget
6. Enter "-r a" into the Flags to add after
Program name string gadget. This tells LhA to
Recursively add files found in selected
7. Verify the Title, Path an Program Name.
8. Select the 'Use' gadget.
We have successfully set all five menus sets.
Save Your Work
We have put quite a bit of work into this so to
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Menu Sets 102
close the Preferences window we will use the Save
Gadget. This will save the preferences file for
MegaD and close the window.
I tend to place archiving utilities in the
utilities menu but any programs that you wish can
be added here. They do not need to be like
programs but you can organize programs into groups
that you use for certain task.
You can now access the new menu from the Utilities
menu. The utilities menu has provisions to change
the current active Menu Sets. You can choose Menu
Sets by moving to the 'Next', 'Previous', 'First'
or 'Last' Menu Sets by selecting the corresponding
menu item.
Swap Device Gadgets for Menu Gadgets
You can also replace the nine Device Gadget in the
top of the Control Window with the Menu Sets, this
is done by checking the "Utilities, Utilities in
Window" menu item. This gives you quick access to
your current active Menu Sets. The Device Gadgets
can still be accessed through the keyboard. By
pressing keyboard numbers 1-9 (across the top of
the keyboard) MegaD will load the corresponding
directory as if you hit the Device Gadget that
have been replaced by the Menu Sets. This is just
one of the many way MegaD can be changed to suit
your taste or style of work. We will be getting
into the way that MegaD can be modified in a later
section of the tutorial. Export File
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Gadget Sets 103
Gadget Sets
(NEW 3.1)
With the new Gadget Sets facility you can create a
wide variety of gadget configurations. You may
create simple windows that open with just a few
gadgets and is set for a very specific task or you
could create full screen layouts of strategically
place Gadgets Sets and Snapshot windows so that
you can have a directory utility of your own
Following is a discussion of the parts that create
and become a 'Gadget Set.' After the discussion
we will put it all together and create a useful
'Gadget Set.'
Creating a Gadget Set
Gadget Sets are created and designed from the Set
Keypads window of Set Preferences. You must first
cycle the Source area to "Gadget Sets". Once
this is done you may select the "Add" gadget. A
new window will open.
Define Gadget Set Window
You will find 5 string gadgets in this window to
let you define the size of the window and how many
gadgets you wish to have in this window. Gadget
Set windows are font sensitive, so the number and
size of your gadgets are effected by this.
Gadget Set Title
This is a string gadget for you to enter the title
of the Gadget Set. Like all other titles of
object in MegaD, it should be unique. MegaD will
test this title and tell you if it finds other
objects with the same name. MegaD will not let you
create an object with the same name.
Inner Window Width
This is what you would like to set the inner
window width to. The inner window width is the
size of the window without the window border
calculated into it. The reason we use the inner
width and height of the window is due to the fact
that this is where we will be placing the gadgets.
You will notice to the right of the gadgets a
minimum and maximum value that show the range that
can be enter into the gadget.
Inner Window Height
This is to set the height of the Gadget Set
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Gadget Sets 104
window. The higher you set this value to the more
gadgets you will be able to place in a column.
Once again you will see minimums and maximum
values displayed to the right of the gadget.
Gadgets Across
Gadgets are created in the Gadgets Set window in a
grid fashion. You are allowed to set the number
of gadgets across with this gadget. Gadgets can
be so small that they will only display one
character or they can be as wide as the screen.
You should notice that at the bottom of the
display area is a value title "Gadget Char. "
This displays how many characters the gadgets will
display at the current settings. This is there to
help you judge if you are creating your gadgets
wide enough to display the information you would
like to see displayed. The maximum value is
effected directly by the setting of the "Inner
Window Width."
Gadgets Down
This will let you set the number of gadget the
window will have down the window. The maximum
value is effected by "Inner Window Height."
To figure out how many gadget your window will
have once it is opened is a simple multiplication
Gadget Across * Gadget Down = Number Gadgets
Window Type
This is a cycle gadget that lets you cycle to one
of three settings.
Under Mouse
The Gadget set window will always open under the
mouse pointer.
The Gadget Set window will always open at the last
place it was closed.
The Gadget Set window will be an immobile backdrop
window that cannot be moved. This window will not
have any window boarders. This type of window is
very effective when designing a full screen of
Gadget Sets and snapshot windows.
Sizing Window
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Gadget Sets 105
This is a small gadget below the Window Type
gadget. When selecting this gadget you will be
given a window that can be moved, sized and then
closed. This will fill in the information for the
size of the window. It will also define the
location of the screen it is to open to if you
create a 'Rigid' or 'Fixed' window.
Close once used
This is a check gadget. If it is checked, MegaD
will close the Gadget Set window once it has been
Keep to front
This is a check gadget. If it is checked, MegaD
will try to keep the gadget set window to the
front of other windows while it is open.
Open at startup
This is a check gadget. If it is checked, MegaD
will open the window when the program is started
or if a new preference file is loaded with this
type of Gadget Set found. If one of these are set
with this checked, MegaD will not open the "Main
Control Window", if you need this window opened
you may use the F8, F9, or F10 key to open it once
the program and/or the preference file has loaded.
The 'Main Control Window' will be forced open if
the flag 'F10 Closes control window' is NOT
checked. This flag can be found in the 'MegaD
Preferences, Set Defaults' window.
Rigid and Open at startup
By setting one or a few Gadgets Sets with Rigid
windows and Open at Startup, you can end up with
some very impressive screens. You'll be surprised
as to what a few vertical and/or horizontal bars
of gadgets and a few snapshot directory windows
can do to create a productive environment to use
you directory utility from.
Building a Set Preference Gadget Set
We will now take and put all of the parts together
to create a 'Gadget Set'. MegaD has the ability
to go directly to an MDPrefs sub-window such as
'MegaD Preference, Set Keypads' bypassing the
'MegaD Preference' window. The built-in commands
to do this are:
Set Colors...
Set Defaults...
Set Display...
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Gadget Sets 106
Set Keypads...
Set Menus & Devices...
Set Misc...
Set Print...
Set Screen...
You will notice that these are the same gadgets
that you gain access to with the Menu item
'Project, Set Preferences...' We are going to
place all of the previous mentioned commands into
one 'Gadget Set' for quick easy access.
To access the 'Gadget Sets' you can use the menu
'Project, Set Preferences...' and then select
'Keypads.' Cycle the source area to 'Gadget Set.'
Select the 'Add' gadget.
The MegaD Define Gadget Set window will open.
Type 'Preferences' into the Title string gadget.
We are going to need room for nine gadgets in this
window. Nine gadgets can easily fit in one column
in the Gadget Set window so we will define the
window to have one gadget across and nine gadgets
down. Enter 1 into the 'Gadget Across' string
By looking to the right of the string gadgets, we
can see that the window is not tall enough to fit
the nine gadgets we require. The Maximum number
of gadget we can have down in the windows is 4.
(this is on a system with Topaz 8 as the font,
yours may vary with your current font setting.)
Change the Inner Window Height to 108 and press
return. The Maximum gadgets down will change to
Now you can enter 9 into the 'Gadget Down' string
gadget. If we did not set the 'Inner Window
Height' before enter this, the 'Gadgets Down'
string gadget would not accept the larger value.
The 'Window Type' cycle gadget should be set to
'Under Mouse,' if it is not cycle it to that
Check the 'Close once used' check gadget. We
check this so that the window will close after we
decide which part of preferences we want to
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Gadget Sets 107
We have define the size of the window, the
configuration and number of the gadgets that the
window will have. Now we need to define what
commands the gadgets will perform. Any object can
be assign to a gadget in a 'Gadget Set' window, or
the gadget can be left undefined. Select the
'Use' gadget of the 'MegaD Define Gadget Set'
The 'MegaD Define Gadget Set' window will close
and a new window will open. The title of the
window will be 'Preferences,' this is the same as
the 'Title' we typed into the 'MegaD Define Gadget
Set' window. All of the gadgets are undefined.
We define the undefined gadgets the same as we
would define a gadget on the keypad. The
'Preferences' window and the 'MegaD Preferences,
Set Keypads' window are interactive. Cycle the
Source gadget to 'Built In's.' To find all of the
'Set Preference' type commands you will need to
cycle the Page gadget to 'Page 2.' All of the
Preferences built in commands start with 'Set ',
they should be easy to locate.
To define the topmost gadget, select the built in
command 'Set Preferences' in the source area, then
select the topmost gadget in the new 'Gadget Set'
window, 'Preferences.' The command will be copied
to the 'Gadget Set' gadget. Copy the following
commands in the same manner, so to define the rest
of the undefined gadgets in the 'Gadget Set'
window, 'Preferences,' Set Color...',
'Set Default...', 'Set Display...',
'Set Keypad...', 'Set MenuDev...', 'Set Misc...'
'Set Print...', and 'Set Screen...'
The MegaD Preference window is not much smaller
than a standard non-interlace screen. This makes
it difficult to define a large 'Gadget Set' window
and still get at the 'Set Keypad' command and
source gadgets. When this is a problem set MegaD
to use an Interlace screen, define the large
'Gadget Set' keeping the window within range of
your normal screen (640 X 200.) Once it is
defined, reset MegaD to use the smaller screen
that you are used to.
We now need a way to call this 'Gadget Set' when
we need it. This will be an excellent time to
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Gadget Sets 108
show you 'Hot Keys.'
Defining a Hot Key
At the right hand bottom of the Set Keypads window
you will find a gadget titled "Hot Key." You may
give any object a "Hot Key" by using this gadget.
You must first select the object you wish to give
the "Hot Key" to then select the "Hot Key" gadget.
After doing so, a window will open.
Cycle the source area of the 'Set Keypads' window
to 'Gadget Set'. Select the 'Gadget Set,'
'Preferences' then select the 'Hot Key' gadget.
(NEW 3.1)
Hot Key Window
This window will open with the title, "Define Hot
Key for Preferences. The title of the object you
selected will be place in the window title to help
you remember what you were setting the "Hot Key"
Hot Key Qualifiers
You may use qualifiers with your "Hot Key." The
possible qualifiers are:
Left Shift
Right Shift
Caps Lock
Left Alt
Right Alt
Left Amiga
Right Amiga
Numeric Keypad
Middle Mouse Button
Right Mouse Button
Left Mouse Button
You may select the qualifiers with your mouse by
checking the corresponding check box. Or better
yet, just hold the qualifiers down and press the
regular key you wish to use. As the key is
pressed, MegaD will also keep track of the
qualifiers that was used during the key press. As
soon as you press a regular key, That key will be
displayed in the Hot Key character box. We will
define Ctrl-P as the 'Hot Key to open the 'Gadget
Set,' 'Preferences.'
While the 'Hot Key' window is active, hold the
Ctrl key down and then press the 'P' key. 'P'
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Gadget Sets 109
will be displayed in the 'Hot Key character' box
and a check will be placed in the Control check
To use this Hot Key definition select the "Use"
Delete Hot Key
An object that has been defined to have a Hot Key
can have that Hot Key remove in one of two ways.
The first way is to select the object that has the
Hot Key you wish to have removed, you select this
object within the Set Keypad window, select the
"Hot Key" gadget and finally select the "Delete"
gadget in the "Hot Key" window. The "Hot Key"
definition will be removed.
The second way is to define the same key press and
qualifiers for a new object and then select the
"Use" gadget from the "Hot Key" window. You will
be greeted with a requestor asking:
Replace Hot Key defined for
<Object Name>
Answer yes to this requestor and the Hot Key
definition will delete from the old object and
then created for the new object.
Hot Keys are not global
Unlike the Hot Keys you define for a commodity
that take high priority over the system input
channels and steal the input from the active
program or window, Hot Keys in MegaD are only
good if one of the MegaD windows are active and
accepting the input.
Key press that are define as menu short cuts, such
as "Left Amiga O" for Open will take priority over
the same Hot Key defined for MegaD.
We have defined a 'Gadget Set' and defined a 'Hot
Key' to open the new gadget set. As with all
MDPrefs settings, MegaD will not know about them
until the 'Use' or 'Save' gadget is selected from
the main 'MegaD Preferences' window. Select
'Use' from the 'MegaD Preferences, Set Keypads'
window and then select 'Save' from the 'MegaD
Preferences' window.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Gadget Sets 110
Calling your new 'Gadget Set' window
Hold the 'Ctrl' key down and press the 'P' key.
The new 'Gadget Set,' 'Preferences' will open. It
will open under the mouse pointer and should you
select any item from it, it will close after
performing the function.
The color of the gadgets in the 'Preferences'
'Gadget Set' are a bit bland, lets modify them.
Select the 'Set Keypad...' gadget in this 'Gadget
Set.' With this action, we have move directly
into the 'MegaD Preferences, Set Keypads'
bypassing the main 'MegaD preferences' window.
The 'Gadget Set,' 'Preferences' window close
during this process.
Setting gadget colors
Cycle the source area of the 'Set Keypads' window
to 'Gadget Sets.' Select the 'Preferences' source
object and then select the 'Modify' gadget. The
'MegaD Define Gadget Set' window will open. We do
not want to change any of the settings to the
window, we just need to modify the gadget of the
'Gadget Set', 'Preferences.' Select the 'Use'
gadget of the 'MegaD Define Gadget Set' window.
The window will close and the 'Gadget Set,' '
Preferences' will open. You can now select the
gadgets in this window and modify the colors of
the gadget. Do this by selecting the 'Modify'
gadget of the 'Set Keypads' window.
(NEW 3.1)
Quick color copy
There is a feature to help you set the destination
gadget colors. I found that setting the colors of
the Keypad Gadgets and the Gadget Set gadgets was
a very tedious job.
Select one of the destination gadgets that has the
color set to the color you wish to copy. Select
the gadget once more to unselect it. MegaD will
now remember the text and background colors of
that gadget. Hold a Shift key down and select the
other destination gadgets that you wish to copy
the colors to. You may copy the colors to as many
destination gadget as you wish. The color will
remain the same until you select a new color.
Once you are done, you may close the Gadget Set
window with the window close gadget or by pressing
the Esc key while it is the active window.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Gadget Sets 111
Moving 'Rigid' windows
NOTE: This only operates under OS 2.0
A 'Rigid' 'Gadget Set' window does not have a drag
bar once it is opened from MegaD. MDPrefs gives
all 'Gadget Set windows a drag bar to help you
move them to the area you want them to open at.
With the Rigid window, this is somewhat 'Hit and
Miss' when trying to get the window to the exact
place you want it to be. The 'Gadget Set'
windows can be moved from within MegaD once they
are open by using the shift, Ctrl-shift, and the
cursor keys.
To move a 'Rigid' window, that window must be
active. It is hard to tell if a 'Rigid' window is
active being it does not have a drag bar and does
not change colors when it is active. To insure
that a 'Rigid' 'Gadget Set' window is active,
select one of the gadgets in the window but do not
release the mouse button. Move the mouse away
from the selected gadget and it will become
deselected, you can then release the mouse button.
Now that we know the window is active, hold the
shift key down and then press one of the cursor
keys to move the window in the desired direction.
The window will move one pixel at a time in the
direction the cursor key points to. If you want
the window to move eight pixels at a time, hold
the Ctrl and Shift key at the same time while
using the cursor keys. You will be able to fine
tune the 'Gadget Set' window position to any
location on the screen.
MegaD will keep track of the location that your
"Gadget Sets" are at when you save the preferences
To test your custom made screens, use the menu
'Project, Open...' and select the preference file
that was just saved. MegaD will reset and open
all of the 'Open at startup' 'Gadget Set' windows.
I have supplied a number of preset MegaD .pf files
that you may access by the 'Open...' command. You
will notice that some directory windows are opened
when the screen is reset to the new preference
file. This was accomplished with the '-L' flag
added to the end of the 'Device' string gadget
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Gadget Sets 112
found in the 'MegaD Preferences, Set Menus &
Devices' window.
The supplied .pf files are not intended for
general use but as examples. MegaD preferences
files are very machine dependent. The supplied
files are set to use the screen size of 640 X 200
with Topaz 8 as the screen and text font.
I suggest that you load each of the .pf files to
see a very small fraction of the ways MegaD can be
configured. After doing so, you may want to
create you own custom screen, the one you've
always wanted but could never get the other
utilities to do it for you.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Export File 113
Export File
MegaD can create a data file from selected files
and directories in Directory Windows that is
compatible with a Database. This database would
be one that would allow you to keep track of your
many disks, and the many programs that are on
those disk. This text can not possibly teach you
how to use or control a database. If you are
familiar with databases and know the difference
between a record and a field you will feel right
at home with this part of MegaD. If you do not
have a database this command will be of little
value to you and you may want to go on to the next
section of the tutorial.
Setting Up Export
"Export File" needs to have the attributes for the
export function set before it will work. This is
done by the menu item "Output, Setup Export". You
will also need a 'Dest'ination Directory Window
open that you want the export file written to. A
good directory for this is the same directory that
you would place the data files for the database.
Once this Directory Window is opened and the
'Dest'ination gadget is selected, select the menu
item "Output, Setup Export."
The "Set Export" window will open. This window
lets you set what file attributes you wish to
include in your database export file.
It is important that you think this part out very
well or that you know your database very well.
Both is even better. Some databases are rigid and
allow very little changing once the database is
started, others allow new fields to be added to
the database and allow you to change your mind
later for what information you wish to keep track
of. Think about what file attributes listed on
the left side of the window that you wish to keep
track of and select those. I am going to select
all nine of them.
Field Sizes
As you can see to the right of the attributes the
size of the field is listed. Should you create
your database so that the fields are smaller than
what is listed, you may lose information or your
database will not accept the export file, It is
best to create the database with at lease enough
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Export File 114
room to store the information.
Field/Record Separators
To the right of the window you will find two
integer string gadgets. One is titled 'Field
Separator', the other is titled 'Record
Separator'. Both require that you know the ASCII
value of the character that separates your field
and records as defined by your database. The
defaults are the norm for most databases. The
value for the Field Separator is 44 that is the
ASCII value of a comma. The value for the Record
Separator is 10 that is the value of a return
character. Below is the results of the export if
only two files were selected to show you how and
where the separator characters fit.
DPaint,Work:,Work:Paint,FILE,03-26-92 17:40:35,375084,743,--
DPaint.info,Work:,Work:Paint,FILE,03-26-92 17:40:36,1630,4,-
As you can see the commas separate the file
attributes and there is a return at the end of the
line to signify a new record. The format is
visually ugly to look at but is easily digested by
a good database program.
Empty Fields
Notice the two commas at the end of the line.
This is where the File comment should be but the
files did not have one so this is an empty field
that will be read by the database as such.
The Filename for path string gadget is for naming
your database import file. It will be appended to
the path the is listed above in the text area of
the Set Export window. This becomes a permanent
path and filename until you change it.
One of the cycle gadgets will allow you three
settings. 'Export Directory & Files', 'Export
Files' only and 'Export Directories' only. This
should be self explanatory and it lets you fine
tune the types of directory entries to be sent to
the export file.
There is another cycle gadget that allows two
different settings. 'Overwrite old file' and
'Append to end of file'.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Export File 115
'Overwrite old file' will always create a new
export file each time you select the Export File
function. This deletes the old file first but not
without warning you first with an option to
cancel. This requires you to read the data file
into your database before the Export File command
is used again or you will lose your previously
created export file.
The 'Append to end of file' option is my favorite
way to use this. The first time the 'Export File'
command is used the new file is created. Each
time after that the newly exported information
will be appended to the end of the file. Now
remember that the filename you created is somewhat
permanent. As long as you save the preferences
after setting the export function up, MegaD will
always try to write the file to the same place and
in doing so will constantly append the newly
exported information. This has one drawback. You
MUST delete the export file once you have read it
into your database, otherwise MegaD will
constantly append new information to a file that
has already been used and the records for those
have been created in the database.
I suggest that you create an export file a few
times. Each time load the newly created export
file into a text window so that you can visually
see how it is working. After you are sure that it
is exporting the kind of information you want it
to, you may start creating a database of all of
your files and programs.
MegaD will export all the information found in
selected volumes and directories.
To send all the information found in a volume,
select the volume you wish to export from, by
selecting the corresponding entry in the 'Volumes
In Memory' list. Then select the 'Export File'
Command Gadget.
To send all the information found in a directory,
select the directory entry in a Directory Window.
Then select the 'Export File' Command Gadget.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Preferences 116
MegaD Preferences
The MegaD preferences change only the internal
preferences of MegaD. It has nothing to do with
your system preferences for the Amiga. All
mentions of preferences from this point on refer
to the internal setting of MegaD.
If you have taken even a quick look into what Set
Preferences has to offer you will find that MegaD
can be modified in many ways. There are eight
different areas that make up preferences, we have
visited two in this tutorial so far. Set Menus &
Devices and Set Keypads are those two, we will
take another look at those areas and look into the
new areas. This is a list of the areas within 'Set
Menus & Devices
All areas have a 'Cancel' gadget that will cancel
all changes to that area. All areas have a 'Use'
gadget. This gadget accepts the changes made so
Only the 'MegaD Preferences' window has a 'Save'
gadget. When this gadget is used, the current
changes are accepted and saved to the '.pf' file.
This file is located in the current directory that
MegaD was loaded from.
(NEW 3.1) You can save your current preference settings to
different files. This is set through the main
program, MegaD. Within the Project menu of MegaD,
there is an option to 'Save as.' Should you use
this option and create a new MegaD preference file
under a new name, such as 'MyPrefs.pf', MDPrefs
will save the preference file as this name. The
new name must be set before calling 'Set
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Set Preferences, Colors 117
MegaD preferences, Colors
Select the menu item "Project, Set Preference...
and then select 'Colors...' to open the Set Colors
window. This area of Preferences is dedicated to
the colors available for the display of
information within MegaD windows.
1.3/2.0 Color Switch
In the very center of this window is a single
check type gadget which by default is set. The
title of this gadgets is "1.3 / 2.0 Colors Switch"
One of the many changes that happened with the new
2.0 OS for the Amiga was the change of the default
colors. With this gadget checked, the system will
be checked for 1.3 or 2.0 and the colors will be
set accordingly. If you want to define any of the
colors to your own settings this gadget will have
to be unchecked.
Color Conflict
MegaD will check for conflicts of colors and will
warn you if you try to use the conflicting colors.
An example of this would be the Directory and the
File colors are the same.
MegaD will display the resulting selected colors
in small boxes to the right of the gadgets to show
the effect of the selections. You may change the
colors to what you would like to have them. If
you want to use more colors with MegaD, you will
have to change the screen setting found in the
Display preferences Display
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MegaD Preferences, Defaults 118
MegaD Preferences, Defaults
Select the menu item, "Project, Set Preference...
and then select 'Defaults" to open the Set
Defaults window.
This area here is controlled by 'Check' gadgets.
Auto resize windows
This only works in window overlap mode set in the
menu "Windows, Overlap locations. It will attempt
to resize the directory windows larger or smaller
to display as much as needed.
Auto update windows
Each time the directory window is opened it will
be updated. MegaD buffers EVERYTHING that it
loads. If that information has been changed by
some other program MegaD will not know about it.
MegaD first tests the actual directory entry or
volume data stamp to tell if the directory has
been changed. If it finds a different date it
will reload the directory so that it will be
current. This has the side effect of forcing you
to insert a floppy disk that has been buffered,
just to reopen the directory window.
Confirm quit
Gives you a chance not to quit MegaD if an
accidental quit was issued. A simple requestor
will open that reads:
Quit MegaD
With the options Yes or No.
(NEW 3.1)
Display memory, date, time
This displays the system memory, date and time in
title bar. This message will cycle with Display
File, directory, bytes message below if it is
also selected. The full path of the current
directory will also be cycled with these messages
if the mouse in not in the scroll region of the
current active window.
(NEW 3.1)
Display file, directories, bytes
This displays in selected files and directories
and total byte count in the screens title bar.
This is dependent on the setting of the
information area of the Main Control Window.
This message will cycle with Display memory,
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Preferences, Defaults 119
date, time message above if it is also selected.
The full path of the current directory will also
be cycled with these messages if the mouse in not
in the scroll region of the current active
Iconify at start
MegaD will iconify it self at startup. This is
very useful if you place MegaD in your startup
sequence or in the WBStartup drawer. If you do so
MegaD will load and place an Icon on the Workbench
screen that can be double clicked for instant
access to MegaD.
Keep active window to front
This will force the active window directory or
text window on MegaD to the front of the screen.
It will not work on the Main Control Window. The
F10, F9 and F8 keys will move that window to the
front if needed.
Last active window is destination
The last active directory window will become the
destination window if no user defined destination
windows are on the screen. The default is the
active window is destination. (This is the
default that other directory utilities have used.)
Place tool icon & menu on Workbench
This only works if you are using the new 2.0
operating system. (and if you're not, WHY?) MegaD
uses Application Icons and Application Windows on
the Workbench. This way you can drop any icon on
to it and MegaD will attempt to do something with
it. At the least the MegaD screen will be opened
if it is closed or the screen will be moved to the
front of all the screens. If a disk icon or a
directory icon is dropped onto the MegaD Icon or
Main Control Window MegaD will load that directory
and place it into a directory window. If an
AutoBoot is available that knows how to work the
data file, MegaD will use the AutoBoot to work on
the file. You may drop up to 10 Workbench objects
onto the Icon and MegaD will work each one in
Messages off
This will cancel all simple information messages
that only use the Continue gadget to get an answer
to the request. The information usually tells you
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Preferences, Defaults 120
why a function or task did not work. This may
cause confusion, if you can't tell why a function
does not seem to work.
Panic button window
While tasks are working such as Delete, Copy,
Move... a window will open. This window prints
and scrolls information about the processing of
the current task (copy, delete, etc.) There are
two gadgets at the bottom of the window. The
first one, 'Suspend', temporarily stops the
processing of the current task, allowing the user
time to reevaluate whether he really wants to
continue the task. The second gadget, 'Cancel',
will immediately end the current task. Both
gadgets are hard to hit in a time of panic so the
'Esc' key at the upper left corner of your
keyboard is dedicated to stopping the task, this
is the equivalent of selecting the 'Cancel' gadget
of the Panic window. The Esc key works with or
without the panic window open.
(NEW 3.1)
Return keypad to unshifted
If you check this item, MegaD will always return
the Keypad Gadgets to the unshifted state after a
command has been selected from it.
Save defaults at closing
MegaD will save the current preferences before
quitting. This is very useful at first while
getting MegaD set up. This way all the
preferences will be updated after each run.
Through this tutorial I have depended on this flag
being set. This is why the changes that you have
made were always saved when you quit.
Save window positions
MegaD will remember the locations of requesters
and special windows and reopen them in the same
locations. The default is to open the windows
with the gadget under the mouse pointer if
possible or to center the window under the mouse.
Simple refresh windows
Save memory by opening windows that must be
refreshed after having been covered by other
windows. This feature takes a little more time
while you're moving and changing the depth of
windows, but it will save memory for systems with
not enough memory to spare.
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MegaD Preferences, Defaults 121
Warn before copy
Gives you a chance to cancel a call to copy
Warn before delete
Gives you a chance to cancel a call to delete.
(You're a gutsy person if you uncheck this item.
Remember, MegaD deletes ALL marked items in ALL
open Directory Windows)
Warn before move
Gives you a chance to cancel a call to move.
Warn if deleting protected file
If the file is protected MegaD will warn you and
give you the option to cancel the delete or delete
Warn if replacing larger file
During copy/move you will be warned if you try to
copy over a larger file.
Warn if replacing newer file
During copy/move you will be warned if you try to
copy over a newer file.
Warn if replacing file
During copy/move you will be warned if you try to
copy over any file.
(NEW 3.1)
Warn if replacing preferences file
This will warn you if you are about to write over
an old preference file with the 'Save' or 'Save
As...' command.
F10 Closes Control Window
The F10 key normally moves the MegaD Control
Window to the front and rear position on the
screen. If MegaD is running on the Workbench it
will only work if there is a directory window open
to receive input from. With this checked, instead
of the window moving to the rear position the
window is actual closed. You will find that there
are keyboard equivalents for most functions that
the Control Window provides. Thus getting rid of
the Control Window will provide you with a less
crowded screen.
(NEW 3.1) This attribute also works with 'Gadget Sets'
should you define any 'Gadget Set' that is set to
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Preferences, Defaults 122
'Open at startup' and this item is checked, MegaD
will open the 'Gadget Set' and not the 'Main
Control window.'
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Preferences, Display 123
MegaD Preferences, Display
Select the menu item "Project, Set Preference...
and then select 'Display...' to open the Set
Display window. It lets you change how MegaD
displays certain information such as dates and
Date Format
The Date format gadget Cycles though
v"z, dd/mm/yy , yy/mm/dd and dd/mmm/yy. This
defines how MegaD will display the dates for your
directory items.
Use Today / Yesterday
This is a check gadgets that will tell MegaD to
display files created today to be marked with
"Today" and files created yesterday to be marked
with "Yesterday" instead of using the date for
that directory item. This only functions under
the 2.0 OS.
12 Hour Clock
Changes the 24 hour date to a 12 hour time with
am, or pm behind the date
1000 Separator
Set the separator to a comma, period, space or no
separator for thousands.
Decimal is comma
This is a 'do nothing' gadget at the moment but
should MegaD ever need to display floating point
information, Its ready!
Directory listing order
This is a cycle gadget that will cycle though:
List directories first
List files first
List items mixed
Order of file information
There are five small cycle gadgets for this
setting. The higher the number, the later the
information will appear in the line displaying the
directory item. By setting the cycle gadgets to
other values the information can be displayed in
all possible orders. The 'Show, ...' menu may
alter the final display.
Perform any changes that you would like and select
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Preferences, Display 124
the 'Use' gadget to see how things work.
Force Update Directory Windows To show Changes
If Directory Windows are open the change will not
be performed on the directory listings found in
them. You will have to use the menu item "Show,
Reset All" to force the reformatting of the
displayed information.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Preferences, Set Keypads 125
MegaD Preferences, Set Keypads
Select the menu item, "Project, Keypads" to open
the Set Keypads window. We have spent some time in
here and what follows is a recap of those
This is a very powerful area of MegaD Preferences.
You can modify Menu Sets, AutoBoots, User Gadgets,
ARexx Gadgets, Hot Keys and Gadget Sets though
here. You can rearrange, remove, duplicate
functions on the keypad. Change the color of the
keypad and 'Gadget Sets' gadgets.
Source Area
There are two major areas of gadgets. The upper
area can be considered as source gadgets that
information can be copied from.
Destination Area
The lower area of gadgets, that are arranged in
the order of a keypad at the right side of most
Amiga keyboards. 'Shift Keys' to the right of the
keypad represent the shifted mode of the keypad,
Ctrl, Shift, Alt. This can be considered the
destination area.
Copying Commands
Any single item can be selected in one of the two
areas. As soon as an one item is selected in both
areas, the information is transferred to the
keypad gadgets. A blank source will create a
blank do-nothing keypad gadget.
You will find two cycle gadgets, One is for pages
of source information, the other is to select the
type of source information to transfer or to work
on. The types to work on are 'Built-in', 'Menu
Sets', 'AutoBoots', 'User Gadgets', 'ARexx', 'Dev.
Gadgets', and 'Gadget Sets.'
Below this set of cycle gadgets are gadgets
labeled 'Add', 'Delete', 'Modify'. By selecting a
'Menu Set', 'AutoBoot', or 'User Gadget' and then
selecting the Modify gadget you can edit how a
program control will function. By selecting a
keypad gadget and then modify, you can change the
title and color of the keypad gadget.
(NEW 3.1) Below the 'Modify' Gadget is the 'Hot Key' gadget
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Preferences, Set Keypads 126
Should you set MegaD to 'Two Window Mode' the
keypad gadgets will be arranged in the two window
style so that you will be able to see just how
they will look in that mode. The disadvantage of
this is the keyboard equivalent of the gadgets is
not represented very well.
Exit from this window using the Cancel or the
'Use' gadget.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Preferences, Menus & Devices 127
MegaD Preferences, Menus & Devices
There are two main purposes of the Menus &
Devices. One, the setting of the Menu Sets. Two,
the Setting of the Device Gadgets. We have already
covered this.
Being we have already worked with both the Device
Gadgets and the Menu Sets, we can go on to other
areas that need to be explained. Close the
Preferences window by selecting the Cancel gadget.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Set Preferences, Miscellaneous 128
MegaD preferences, Miscellaneous
Copy/Format Program Control
MegaD will call any stand alone copy/format
program. To the right of the string gadget is a
"Control..." gadget. This will open a Program
Control Window that will let you set your favorite
disk copier/formatter. It comes set at default to
run MDDisk copier/formatter.
View Text Program Control
MegaD has one of the most versatile text viewers
around. But if you feel that another program
should be called if a text file is double clicked
in a directory window you may set it here. You
will find another "Control..." gadget to the right
on this one too. Again, it will open a Program
Control Window so that you may set your favorite
program to work with MegaD.
Source icon for directories
If you supply a name here for the an icon MegaD
will use a copy of it to give newly created
directories an Icon. It defaults to SYS:system
that usually exist. If you do not want Icons
created with directories delete all the characters
from this string. You may also select the 2.0
Default check gadget found to the right of this.
This will use the system default for the icon
gadget while running under the 2.0 OS.
Dictionary filename
This must be the name only, without a path
statement, of the dictionary file that you wish
MegaD to use. The dictionary file must be in the
same directory that the program MegaD resides in.
This provides the user with the option to
translate MegaD to any language he or she wishes.
At this writing there are no dictionary files
available. To create a dictionary file, please
see the regular MegaD.Doc file for that
Create Master Dictionary
By selecting this gadget MegaD will create the
master dictionary. The main purpose of this file
is for easy translation of MegaD to other
languages. This can be used to change any display
line that you wish in MegaD. Please see the
regular MegaD.Doc file for that information.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Set Preferences, Miscellaneous 129
(NEW 3.1)
View Text tab width
This will set the spacing for View Text to use
when tabs characters are encountered in a text
file. This value can be 1 through 20.
(NEW 3.1)
View Text word wrap
This will set the length at which the line should
be word wrapped to the next line of a text file.
If 0 is entered here the lines will word wrap to
the current screen width. You can override this
by setting the value anywhere between 20 to 999.
A high value pretty much disables word wrap.
Close the Defaults Window
Select the 'OK' gadget and then the 'Use' gadget
to exit and test the changes that you have made.
Again if Directory Windows have information
displayed in them the have been affected by the
modifications you will have to select the menu
item "Show, Reset All" to reformat then.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Preferences, Set Print 130
MegaD Preferences, Set Print
Label height
How many printed lines are on the labels that you
wish to use with MegaD Label.
Label width
How wide, in characters, is the label that you
wish to use with MegaD label.
Print spoolers
MegaD has a very nice built-in print spooler. It
will let you print all day long and not freeze the
program while it is sending information to the
printer. I has one drawback, it will not let you
view the list of jobs waiting to be printed and it
will not let you pick specific jobs from the job
list to be removed. For those of you who feel
that you need better control over the jobs waiting
to go to the printer, MDSpool has been written and
ARexx support has been added to MegaD to control
it. This is the purpose of the new Set Print
preference settings. MDSpool is a stand alone
program with a full ARexx port.
Very little effort is required for you to set
MegaD from the internal spooler to the new
external spooler that has a full graphic
interface. At the bottom of the Set Print window
you will see two gadgets. The first gadget Is
"Set to MDSpool" which will set all of the
settings to the correct ARexx commands to
communicate with MDSpool. The second gadget "Set
to internal spool" will return MegaD to using the
simple internal spool program.
For more information on MDSpool, read the supplied
documentation for it. You will find that MDSpool
has enough features to make it a worthwhile
addition to your software collection by itself.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Preferences, Set Screen 131
MegaD Preferences, Set Screen
This area lets you set the screen type and the
depth or colors that you want to run MegaD under.
Possible Screens
'Screen Type' contains a cycle gadget that can be
set to one of five different settings. These five
possible settings define what type of screen MegaD
Places MegaD on the Workbench screen.
Creates a hires screen (usually about 640 X 200
Creates a hires-interlace screen (usually about
640 X 400 lines)
SuperHires *
Creates a SuperHires screen (usually about 1280 X
200 lines)
SuperHires-Lace *
Creates a SuperHires-Interlace screen (usually
about 1280 X 400 lines)
The above screens that end in an '*' are only
available if your system has the new ECS Chip.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Menus 132
MegaD Menus
You've just seen how preferences allow you the
ability to customize MegaD to suit your own needs.
That's not all. MegaD allows you to further
modify Directory Window features. We have briefly
touched upon some of these modifications while
specifying file attributes (such as protection
bits, file comments, etc.) Other menus give you
the power to alter the complete appearance of
MegaD. In this section, we will discuss how the
Windows and the Show menus can change how MegaD
looks and works.
Windows Menu
The top two selections in this menu are 'Open
Windows' and 'Close Windows', both have two sub
selections, 'All' and 'Selected Directories'.
Open/Close All
The All selections will only work with previously
opened Directory Windows. It will close all
directory windows on the screen or open all
previously opened Directory Windows. If the
'Windows/Use Limits' menu item is not checked, you
may end up with an overcrowded screen.
Selected Directories
The Selected Directories selection is of more use.
This works on selected directories in Directory
Windows, selected volumes in the 'Volumes In
Memory' list and selected items in the Devices,
Assigns and Drives list.
Loading Directories From the Device List
This is one of those options that it will be best
if you test it out to see how it works. First
cycle the list gadget in the Control Window to
'Devices, Assigns and Drives', select a few items
in that list. Then select the menu item Windows,
Open, Selected Directories. MegaD will load each
selection and place it in a Directory Window.
After they have been loaded, select the Windows,
Close, Selected Directories. Unlike other
commands, the selected items will stay selected so
they can be used again.
After testing this out clear all the selected
items in the Device, Assigns and Drives list, even
if the list is hidden the selected items in the
list will be used.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Menus 133
Opening windows from the Volumes In Memory List
We now have some buffered directories from the
last action. Cycle the list gadget of the Control
Window to 'Volumes In Memory' and select some of
the buffered volumes in this list. Again select
the menu item Windows, Open, Selected Directories,
the windows will be opened if not already on the
screen. Select the opposite menu selection
Windows, Close, Selected Directories and they will
be removed from the screen. Clear the selected
items in the 'Volumes In Memory' list for the next
test of this feature.
Opening Directory Windows From Selected Directories
Open a Directory Window that has a few directories
in it. Select some of those directories. Uncheck
the 'Windows, Use Limits' menu item so that the
list will not be swapped out with other
directories. Select the menu item, Windows, Open,
Selected Directories, the selected directories
will be loaded and placed into new directory
Close the same windows by selecting the menu item
Windows, Close, Selected Directories. Before we
move on, check the 'Windows, Use Limits' and close
all the windows open to the screen.
Window locations
The next section of the 'Windows' menu will allow
you to define how MegaD places windows on to the
screen. There are three modes listed here, 'Use
Overlap Locations', 'Use Grid Locations' and 'Use
Snapshot Locations'.
Overlap Locations
The Overlap Locations is the default that MegaD
comes set with. It tries to place newly loaded
volumes to the right side of the last loaded
volume on the screen. If the room for the new
volume window is less than the smallest width that
a Directory Window can be sized it will open the
window to the far left of the screen instead. If
you are only displaying the filename of the
directory entries you can get three volume to fit
on one screen.
The overlap comes from when you open more than one
directory in one volume. You need to have the
windows per volumes set to more than one. The
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Menus 134
windows are overlapped by opening the next window
down a full drag bar (Window title area) and
shifted to the right about the width of the close
gadget. This arrangement will let you see all the
titles as the windows are overlapped on each
Setting Volume and Window Limits
Lets take a look at this in action. Select the
'Windows/2 Volumes Per Screen' and 'Windows/1
Window Per Volume...' menu items (note: these two
menu items are tied together to form one menu
item). A requester will open that has two integer
string gadgets titled:
Number Volumes Per Screen
Number of Windows per Volume
Leave the Volumes set at 2 but change the 1 in the
"Number of windows per Volume" to 3. Select the
'Use' gadget.
Now that you have changed the limits of
directories per volume you can have multiple
windows open for a volume. Open a Directory
Window that has a few directories listed in it.
Double click some of the directories to see how
the windows will overlap. Test this out with
other volumes and see how this looks. After you
get the feel for the overlap mode select the menu
item 'Windows, Close', All so that we can test out
the next mode.
Use Grid Locations
The 'Use Grid Locations' menu item, if checked,
will place windows in a fixed grid arrangement.
The grid is determined by the limits settings. At
the moment the limits should be set to 2 Volumes
per Screen and 3 Windows per Volume. Also the
'Use Limits' should be checked.
Being the Volumes is set to two, MegaD will divide
the screen width by two to determine how wide each
Directory Window should be, thus giving us the
width of each grid. This way, if the maximum
number of volumes are opened to the screen the
windows will fill the screen. The Windows per
Volumes are set to three, MegaD will divide the
screen height by three to decide how tall each
directory window will be opened as. It will also
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Menus 135
place each newly loaded volume window under the
pervious until the limits is reached. After the
limit is reached it will swap out directories to
place newly requested directories in the windows.
This arrangement allows you to see all of each
window opened to the screen. The draw back is the
full width of the information in the Directory
Windows may not be visible. The windows will be a
fixed width and height that will not be
automatically resized to allow you to view the
full information. Although you can still manually
resize the window with the window resize gadget.
Again test this mode out and get the hang of it.
Once you are satisfied that you understand how it
works close all the Directory Windows so that we
can go on to the next mode.
Set Snapshot / Use Snapshot
Why Snapshot
Snapshot is for people who want windows in set
places. A snapshot window will not respect the
'Auto resize' option or the 'Use limits'.
With the addition of 'Gadget Sets', Snapshot
window locations become an important part of
creating customized screens.
Setting Snapshot
The easiest way to set up the snapshot mode is by
starting out with the 'Use Overlap locations' Menu
checked and the 'Use Limits' unchecked. This way
MegaD will open a new window for each volume or
directory requested.
Select a directory to load that will have a few
sub directories in it. During this process try to
open windows only from within this one volume.
Open this directory so that you will have a window
open to the screen. It is important to place each
window in the place you wish it to be, and size it
to the dimensions that you want as you open them.
This not only sets the placement of the window but
the order that the location will be used to place
windows to the screen.
Take A Snapshot
Open, Place and size all the windows that you want
on the screen in fixed locations. MegaD will
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Menus 136
remember up to 30 window position. Select the
'Window, Set Snapshot' menu item. This will
record the order, location, and size of each open
Directory Window.
Use Snapshot
The 'Window, Use Snapshot' menu item will become
unghosted, now you can check the 'Window, Use
Snapshot' menu item. Directories will now be
placed in the snapshot location that you set. The
snapshots are used one after the other regardless
of Volumes or sub-directories. Once all the
snapshot locations are filled, MegaD will start
swapping directories within open windows to get
them to the screen.
Forcing More Windows
The 'Lock' gadget comes in handy to prevent the
directory you want from getting swapped out for
another directory. As long as the window is
Locked, MegaD will not place another directory in
it. Should you lock all the snapshot windows and
request another directory, a window will open in
the upper left corner of the screen for this
Remember to save your preferences file once you
are happy with the window locations with 'Windows,
Save Preferences'. The locations can be changed
with 'Windows, Set Snapshot' as you please.
Two Window Utility
This is for the die hard fans of the older, less
capable, two window utilities. The Two Window
Utility is your basic idea of what a Directory
Utility should be. One window to the left, One
window to the right and little flexibility, that
was until MegaD came along.
Select the Two Window Utility menu item. If you
were running on the Workbench screen MegaD will
open a non-interlace screen for the two window
Two Window And The Workbench
The two window mode can not coexist with the
Workbench screen. It would cover the Workbench
making it useless.
If you were running under you own MegaD screen
MegaD will use that screen for the two window
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Menus 137
Things have been shuffled around in Two Window
mode. If you had buffered directories, some of
those directories will have been placed into the
two windows other wise the windows will be empty.
Command Gadget Locations
Across the bottom of the window you will find the
command gadgets that used to be arranged in the
same order as the keypad on the side of the
keyboard. They are now in a 6 X 3 grid
arrangement with the 'Shift Gadgets' located just
above them in the center.
Device Gadget Locations
Above the 'Shift gadget' you will see your nine
device gadgets. The 'Device Gadgets' have an
imaginary vertical line running right down the
center of them. Lets say you want to load
'Tutorial' into the left window. You should click
the "left half" of the 'Tutorial' gadget. You
will see a momentary flash in the left half of the
'Tutorial' gadget (the left half will be
highlighted for a brief moment), and the Tutorial
directory will load into the left window. Now, if
you wanted to load 'Ram Disk' into the right
window, you would click the "right half" of the
'Ram Disk:' gadget. This time, the right half of
the Ram Disk gadget will momentarily highlight,
and the Ram Disk directory will load in the right
window. The 'Lock' gadget will override this
At the top center are three gadgets. The top
gadget is the 'Free Volumes' gadget that functions
the same as the Free Volumes in the Control
The second is a cycle gadget that can be cycled
from "Vol In Mem" that is the same as the 'Volumes
In Memory' in the Control Window to "Devices"
which is the same as the "Devices, Assigns and
Drives of the Control Window. It can be cycled to
a new setting in the Two Window mode. This
setting is "Directory". The right window is
shared by these three lists.
The third is titled "Byte Info" that will bring up
the byte information that use to be displayed in
the center of the Control Window. the Byte window
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Menus 138
once opened is interactive with MegaD and you may
use the Directory Window while it is opened.
Two Window Mode
There is not a lot to say about this mode. It is
easy to get used to but somewhat restrictive. It
only allows you two windows to work out of. There
is a way to force more windows out onto the
screen. By locking both Directory Windows and
requesting a new directory, MegaD will have to
open a new window to place the directory in it.
As with all the other modes, play around with it
for a while to see how it works.
You have seen all the different modes that MegaD
can be placed into to help you navigate through
your volumes and directories. You should be able
to find one that suits your needs. MegaD allows
you to switch modes with ease so that with some
tasks you may use a mode more suited for it. I
suggest that you find the mode that you like best,
set it to that mode and save the preference file.
The Show Menu
The show menu is very self explanatory. We have
changed it at times so that we could see different
file attributes. MegaD will let you display all
the attributes or none of the attributes except
for the filename, the filename is always placed
into the listing of the Directory Window. You may
uncheck or check the menu items to set what items
to format into the Directory Window.
Sorting Directories
The show menu also has a Sort sub menu that allows
you to sort the directories by any file attribute.
Or it will sort on None, this will display the
directory entries as they were read from the
All windows are not reformatted if the some of the
show menu items are changed. Only the
'Dest'ination windows will reformat to show the
new settings. If you wish to reformat all the
window to the new settings select the 'Show, Reset
All' menu item.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
MegaD Icon Tool Types 139
MegaD Icon Tool Types
(NEW 3.1)
MegaD supports the following tools types within
the MegaD Workbench icon.
If you wish to have special ARexx commands
executed each time you run MegaD, add this tool
type. It will look for the program and if found
it will launch it as an ARexx task. MegaD will
automatically look for MDARexxStart.rexx within
MegaD's current directory as a default.
MegaD will create icons for all saved preferences
file. If you do not want them created add this
tool type as: CREATEICONS=NO
When setting MegaD preferences, MegaD needs access
to the MDPrefs program. If it is in MegaD's
current directory, MegaD will have not problem
finding it. If you feel that you need MDPrefs in
its own directory or on another disk, you will
need to set this tool type.
If you wish MegaD to find the preferences files in
other than the MegaD's current directory, you will
need to set this to point to the path of the
directory. MegaD always loads 'MegaD2.pf' files
at startup if it can be found. If you wish to
have this in a separate directory, set this tool
If you wish MegaD to find the MegaD.Guide file in
other than MegaD's current directory, You will
need to set this to point to that file.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Now What? 140
Now What?
We have touched base on all the aspects of MegaD.
There is no way that we can describe all the
different ways MegaD can be arranged. As you have
seen MegaD has been made to be fine tuned to the
users wishes.
By now, you should have a basic knowledge of how
MegaD works. You should be able to perform any
task you want with MegaD. If MegaD can't do what
you want with one of its built-in commands, you
should be able to add an external command to it to
do it.
You should be able to change any display attribute
that MegaD uses, from major settings such as
screens, to the simple setting of dates displayed
in the directory listings.
You should be able to modify any file attribute
you wish. Copy, Move, Delete,... files and
directories one at a time or in large groups.
You should be able to create a listing of a
directory, create a label for your disk or create
a database export file for your database.
You should be able to use directory patterns to
reduce large listings down to a refined list to
select from. The same type of patterns can be
used to select items with or to search deep within
volumes and directories.
You many want to look through the MegaD.Doc file
if you have not done so. There is information in
there on how to use the dictionary file that
allows you modify any displayed information that
MegaD uses. If you feel that a title or message
would be better written another way you may change
it. Almost everything else we have covered here.
The Rambling_on file may offer some other answers
that are still not apparent. This file is a
collection of questions and answers that have been
asked about MegaD.
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Index 141
'Dest'ination 16, 21-22, 33, 38, 46, 49, 51-54, 56-59, 61,
70, 93, 113, 138
'Volumes In Memory' 8, 10, 19, 41, 44-47, 115, 132-133, 137
1.3 Iconify 41
1.3/2.0 Color Switch 117
1000 Separator 123
12 Hour Clock 123
2.0 Iconify 41
Abort Drag Select 24
Accept Input From a file or device 80-81
Accessing Menus 23
Action Warnings 51
Activating a Filter 64
Active Directory 7, 12-13, 17, 33, 51-52, 91, 93, 99, 119
Active Window 11, 18, 22-24, 51-52, 99, 110, 118-119
Active Window To Front 18, 119
Add AutoBoot Command 73
Add AutoBoot Skips Icon Files 74
Add Display Command Gadget 87
Add, Delete Menu Set Gadgets 99
Adding A Menu Set 99
Adding Archive List Command 87
Adding User Gadgets 90
After Date Filter 66
Anatomy Of The Program Control Window 75
Another Reason to Switch to Workbench 2.0 92
Application Menu 43
Auto 'Dest'ination 51
Auto Destination 32, 52
Auto Labels 44
Auto resize windows 118
Auto Save when Quit 29
Auto Text Window Scroll 35
Auto update windows 118
AutoBoots 2, 4-5, 39, 42, 72, 75, 82, 84-90, 125
Available Memory 12
Back To Adding AutoBoots 5
Before Date Filter 66
Buffered Directories 8-9, 12, 38, 41, 133, 137
Buffered Volume List 9
Buffering a Full Volume 41
Building a Set Preference Gadget Set 105
Byte Info Icon Gadget: 17
Calculating Directory Sizes 40
Calling your new 'Gadget Set' window 110
Cancel print jobs 47
Check Gadgets 32, 75, 82, 123
Clear By Pattern 71
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Index 142
Clear Pattern Function 60
Close once used 105-106
Close the Defaults Window 129
Close Window Gadget 23
Color Conflict 117
Combine all selected on one line 75-76, 83, 86-87, 96, 99
Command Gadget Locations 137
Command Lines and Program Controls 80
Confirm quit 118
Console window string 80
Copy and Rename a File 55
Copy/Format Program Control 128
Copying Commands 125
Copying Directories 54
Copying Files 53
Copying Groups of Files and Directories 54
Create a Tutorial Disk 19
Create Directory 33
Create Master Dictionary 128
Creating a Gadget Set 103
Creating A New Menu Set 99
Creating ARexx Program Controls 95
Current Directories 91
Date Format The Date format gadget
Cycles though mm/dd/yy 123
Decimal is comma 123
Define Gadget Set Window 103, 106
Defining a Hot Key 108
Delete Command 29, 32
Delete Hot Key 109
Destination Area 84, 125
Destination Gadgets 84, 110
Destination Window Definition 51
Device Gadget Locations 137
Device Gadgets 7, 10-11, 17-18, 27-29, 52, 56, 98, 102,
127, 137
Device Gadgets keyboard Equivalent 11
Device Icon Gadget: 17
Device List 8-9, 132
Device Scroll Gadget 11
Device String Gadget 11, 29
Dictionary filename 128
Dir User Gadget 92
Directory listing order 123
Directory listings 3, 45, 124, 140
Directory Windows 3, 5, 16, 21, 23, 32, 37-38, 40, 43-45,
47, 51-53, 56-59, 70, 75, 88-90, 105, 111, 113, 118, 121,
124, 129, 132-133, 135, 138
Disk Labels 43, 45
Display file, directories, bytes 118
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Index 143
Display memory, date, time 118
Display Protect Bits 32
Double Click Directory 24
Double Click File 24
Double Click Item 24
Double Click Text File 35
Drag Select Items 24
Drop a Disk Icon. 42
Drop a Drawer Icon 42
Drop a Program Icon 42
Drop a Project Icon 42
Drop a Text File Icon 42
Dropping icons onto the Application Icon 42
Duplicate 3, 39-40, 45, 54, 57, 125
Duplicate a File 39
Duplicate Disk Labels 45
Elements of a Filter 61
Empty Directories 41
Empty Fields 114
Exact Size Filter 65
Execute type cycle gadget 78
Export File 2, 5, 102, 113-115, 140
F10 Closes Control Window 105, 121
Field Sizes 113
Field/Record Separators 114
File Comments 36, 132
Filter + Function 60
Filter - 60, 62, 70
Filter Requestor 60-61, 64, 66, 68, 70-71
Filters and Pattern Matching 4, 60
Final Warning 30
Find 4-5, 14, 18, 23, 27-28, 33-34, 37-40, 46-50, 52-53,
56-57, 60, 62, 70-71, 75, 83-86, 88, 91, 96, 98, 103, 107-
108, 114, 116, 121, 125, 128, 130, 137-139
Find Function 60
Find List Of Directory Items 71
Fixed 104-105, 134-135
Flags to add after Program Name 79, 81, 88, 98, 100-101
Force Update Directory Windows To show Changes 124
Forced Destination 77
Forcing More Windows 136
Free Volumes Gadget 8, 23
Freeing Buffered Volumes 9
Gadget Set Title 103
Gadgets Across 104
Gadgets Down 104, 106
Global Filter 70
Go Deep 12, 40-41, 60, 70
Greater Than Size Filter 65
Hot Key Qualifiers 108
Hot Key Window 108
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Index 144
Hot Keys are not global 109
How Shift Click Works 16
Icon Gadgets 17-18
Iconify 41-43, 119
Iconify at start 119
In/Out Filter Gadget 61
Information Area 7, 12, 118
Inner Window Height 103-104, 106
Inner Window Width 103-104
Keep active window to front 119
Keep to front 105
Keypad Banks 14
Keypad Gadgets 14, 18, 30, 75, 82, 84, 87-88, 90-91, 96,
110, 120, 125-126
Keypad Icon Gadget: 17
Know Your System 73
Label Align 44
Label height 130
Label Modify 45
Label width 130
Last Active Window Destination 52
Last active window is destination 119
Less Than Size Filter 64
Loading a text file 33
Loading Directories From the Device List 132
Loading selected items from the Device List 9
Loading the copy of your Workbench disk 20
Lock Gadget 21-22, 57
Main Control Window 7, 11, 19, 21, 29, 105, 118-119, 122
Making A List Menu 100
Making A Pack Menu 99
Making A Recursive Menu 101
Making A Test Menu 101
Making an UnPack Menu Set 100
Manipulating Multiple Text Windows 36
Manual Label 44-45
MDPREFS 28, 105, 109, 111, 116, 139
MegaD List Area 8
MegaD Menus 2, 5, 132
MegaD Preferences 2, 5, 28, 52, 105, 107, 109-110, 112,
116-118, 123, 125, 127-128, 130-131, 139
MegaD Preferences window 28
MegaD screen to front at end 77, 83
MegaD Windows 4, 109, 117
MegaD's Spooler 47
Menu Button Scroll 23
Menu Set Program Control 98
Menu Sets 2, 4-5, 42, 72, 75, 84, 93, 98-102, 125, 127
Messages off 119
Mixing Multiple Filters 68
Modify or Delete Program Controls 93
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Index 145
Move and Rename 58
Moving 'Rigid' windows 111
Moving Directories 56
Moving Files 12, 55
Moving the Control Window to the front 18
Multiple AutoBoot Window 87
Multiple Destination And Source Directories 58
Multiple Text Windows 3, 35-36
Multitasking execute 78, 88, 91-92, 99-101
Multitasking Execute W/Hold 78, 88, 92, 100-101
Multitasking Workbench (NO I/0) 76, 79
Navigating Through Multiple Directory Windows 57
Next/Previous Step Gadgets 98
Open at startup 105, 111, 122
Open/Close All 132
Opening Directory Windows From Selected Directories 133
Opening Two Directory Windows 52
Opening windows from the Volumes In Memory List 133
Order of file information 123
Output File 10, 45-47, 80
Output Format 46
Output Prt 10, 47
Overlap Locations 118, 133, 135
Overriding Auto Destination 52
Panic button window 120
Panic Window 30-31, 41, 120
Parent Gadget 21
Parse.rexx 96-97
Path and Program Name String Gadget 79, 91-92, 100-101
Place Program on MegaD Screen 78
Place Program on Workbench Screen 78
Place tool icon & menu on Workbench 119
Possible Screens 131
Possible Uses of File Extension 74
Print spoolers 130
Printing Text Files 47
Program Control Window 2, 4, 72, 74-75, 79, 81, 86, 88, 91-
92, 98-99, 128
Program Control Window, String Gadgets. 79
Protection Bits 31-32, 62, 67, 132
Query for 'Flags to add' 78
Query for 'Text to append' 78
Query for destination filename 77, 81, 99, 101
Quick color copy 110
Quick Command Access 14
Quitting MegaD 43
Redirect Output to a file or device 79, 81
Reformat Directory Windows 32
Relabel 10, 26-27
Relabel under 1.3 26
Relabel under 2.0 and Using MegaD 26
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Index 146
Reload current directory at end 77, 91-92, 99-101
Rename 3, 27, 31, 55, 58
Replace File Warning 53
Return keypad to unshifted 120
Rigid 104-105, 111, 113
Rigid and Open at startup 105
Save defaults at closing 120
Save window positions 120
Save Your Work 86, 101
Screen control Cycle gadget 78
Scrolling List Area 21, 23
Searching Text Files 48
Select By Pattern 71
Select Pattern Function 60
Select Volumes for making a listing 10
Select/Clear AutoBoot Window 89
Select/Clear commands 38
Selected Directories 9, 40-41, 46, 60, 70, 75, 82, 86, 88,
90, 100-101, 132-133
Selecting Items 10, 24
Selecting Menu Sets 98
Selecting The Data Files 73
Selecting The Executable 73
Set Keypads Window 84, 90-91, 93, 95, 103, 108, 125
Set Protect 3, 29, 31-32, 67
Set Show Comment 37
Set Show Size 40
Set the Filter Type Gadget First 65
Setting AutoBoots As Command Gadgets 82
Setting gadget colors 110
Setting Multiple Comments 37
Setting Snapshot 135
Setting the device gadgets 27
Setting Up Export 113
Setting Volume and Window Limits 134
SETTINGS 5, 28, 32, 45, 64-65, 75, 86, 104, 109-110, 114,
116-117, 130-131, 134, 138-140
Shift Click Window Command 15-16
Simple Commands 2, 4, 26, 29
Simple Commands And MegaD 2, 4, 26
Simple refresh windows 120
Single Select Item 24
Sizing Window 104
Skip .info files 75, 83, 86, 88, 90, 92, 100-101
Skip selected directories 75, 82, 86, 88, 90, 100-101
Skip selected files 75, 82, 90, 92
Sorting Directories 138
Source and Destination Commands 2, 4, 51
Source Area 91, 93-94, 103, 106-108, 110, 125
Source icon for directories 128
Source Window Definition 51
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Index 147
Stack size 80
Swap Device Gadgets for Menu Gadgets 102
Take A Snapshot 135
Testing the Reload Current Directory 93
Text Reader 33
Text to append to end of command line 79, 98
Text Window Keys 34
Text Window Menu 34
Text Window Parts 34
The anatomy of a directory window 21
The Show Menu 61, 132, 138
Title String Gadget 79, 91-92, 99-101, 106
Two Window And The Workbench 136
Two Window Mode 22-23, 126, 136-138
Two Window Utility 136
Un-Ghosting The Activate Gadget 64
Under Mouse 104, 106
Update Dir 37-38, 124
Use Grid Locations 133-134
Use Snapshot 133, 135-136
Use Today / Yesterday 123
User Gadget Program Control 90
User Gadgets 2, 4-5, 42, 72, 75, 84, 90, 92-93, 95, 125
Using an AutoBoot 83-84
Using an AutoBoot As A Command Gadget 84
Using Date filters 65
Using Filter Out 64
Using Name filters 62
Using Protect filters 67
Using Size filters 64
Using the Tutorial Disk 27
Verify Title And Path/Name 91
View Text Program Control 128
View Text tab width 129
View Text word wrap 129
Warn before copy 121
Warn before delete 121
Warn before launch 77
Warn before move 121
Warn if deleting protected file 121
Warn if replacing file 121
Warn if replacing larger file 121
Warn if replacing newer file 121
Warn if replacing preferences file 121
We are the teachers 88
What Is MegaD 19
When You Need A Current Directory 92
Why Snapshot 135
Why User Gadgets? 90
Wildcards Pattern 62
Window locations 133, 135-136
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones
Index 148
Window Type 104-106
Windows Menu 132
Work without selected items 75, 83, 92
Workbench screen to front at start 76, 83
Working in the Same Volume 57
MegaD 3.1 Tutorial, Copyright © 1992 - 1993 John L. Jones